Chapter Two: The new teacher

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"Slow down, boys!", yells Mr. McAllister as he tries to maneuver through the oncoming students.

"Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!"

They are all currently trying to walk down the small staircase to get to class. Mireille is put safely between Charlie and Neil, trying to shield her from all the other boys.

"Guys, I can protect myself, you know... and it's not like something will happen anyway...", she murmurs, looking up into Charlie's brown eyes.

"Of course, we know that... but you never know...", explains Neil, glancing warningly at a boy who stares at Mireille's legs.

"You can't trust men", continues Neil after making sure that the boy looks in a different direction.

"Yeah, you can only trust us, Doll", smirks Charlie while putting his hand on her hips.

"If you say so...", she laughs, looking forward.

"Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list and report on them every five weeks", says the chemistry teacher and places said list on Todd's desk.

"The first 20 questions at the end of chapter one are due tomorrow", he ends, smiling devilishly. Mireille groans quietly, glancing defeated at Pitts beside her. She can see Charlie and Knox doing the same.

"20 questions! Due tomorrow! Who even has time for that?!", complains Pitts, struggling to carry all the books. Mireille smiles sympathetically at him before turning around to Todd.

"Already regret coming to Welton?" Todd looks up, not expecting the sudden attention.

"I-It's not like I... have a choice...", he stutters. Mireille smiles at him.

"Right. Well, we are all here for you, so don't worry." Todd smiles a little.

"Thanks." Mireille turns around again, walking to catch up with Charlie.

"Agricolam", says Mr. McAllister, looking out the window and waiting for the class to repeat his words.

"Agricola. Agricolae. Agricolarum. Agricolis. Agricolas. Agricolis." The class finishes repeating, and Mr. McAllister looks bemused at them.

"Again, please. Agricola." While repeating, Mireille hears a light thud behind her. She turns her head to see Charlie having banged his head on the table. She shifts to look to her right and sees Neil grinning, trying to hold back a laugh. Seeing that only makes her grins bigger.

The bell finally signals them that the lesson is over. Mireille packs her books, turns around to her boyfriend and pokes his arm.

"You still alive?" He glances up at her, an unmotivated look on his face.

"Don't know for how long though..." Charlie stands up and walks to the door, waiting for Mireille.

"Come on, we still have to survive math...", he breaths when she comes to a halt in front of him. With a bemused grin answers Mireille.

"You. You have to survive math", she corrects which earns her a butt slap. Mireille laughs, pulling Charlie along with her.

"Come on, I promise you will get a reward later." She starts to laugh harder when she hears Charlie cheering behind her. That's one way to get Charlie Dalton motivated again. Of course.

"Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision", says Dr. Hager while strolling through the aisles of their desks. Mireille shifts uncomfortably when he walks past her. She doesn't really have a problem with math, but she forgot how awkward their teacher is. "Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment, will be penalized one point off their final grade." He turns around and starts walking to the front again.

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