Chapter Four: The first meeting

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At midnight, the friends meet outside their rooms and walk down quietly. Careful, not to wake Dr. Hager or any other teacher. Neil walks in front, Charlie and Mireille in the back holding hands. Once they open the door to the entrance hall, they hear the dog barking. Not knowing that Dr. Hager is still awake and aware of it. Pitts throws him some treats, so he stops. Meanwhile, Neil opens the door, hushing everyone out.

"Go. Go." He closes the door again, careful not to make any sounds.

They begin to jog, hoping that no teacher is looking out the window right now. Mireille hears a light chuckle beside her. Turning her head, she sees Charlie smiling at her.

"What?", he asks in a low whisper, a smile staring to form on her lips.

"I just noticed how many rules we broke. Like in general." Mireille giggles, squeezing Charlie's hand.

"Yeah. But I don't regret any of it." Charlie laughs. He's thankful that it's dark out, otherwise Mireille would be able to see his cheeks slowly getting more and more red. Even after a year of dating, she's still able to make him feel the butterflies in his stomach. But he doesn't dislike it. Once they arrive at the forest, they turn on their flashlights to see better. Even though the moon illuminates their surroundings and makes them see a little better, there's still fog cancelling that out. They come across a little hill.

"It needs to be somewhere around here", says Neil, shining his flashlight around to search for the entrance. They split up trying to find the cave. Charlie lets go of Mireille's hand, telling her to wait before walking off. She looks after him confused but decides to go over to Todd and keep him company.

"I'm glad you chose to join us", she says, smiling. He looks at her, returning the smile. But before he can respond, they hear Meeks yell.

"Ah, shit, Charlie!" Everyone turns to the two. Mireille laughs. She has expected Charlie to do something like that but on Meeks? Cameron would've been so much better.

"Guys! Over here!", yells Neil, waving his arms so the others could see him. Mireille grabs Todd's wrist, pulling him with her.

"Funny. You're real funny", complains Meeks, trying to calm his racing heart. It is already spooky outside in a forest in the dark, having to put up with Charlie's shenanigans really doesn't help.

They climb inside the cave after another. Meeks, the second to climb in after Neil, immediately tries to make a fire. He gives up when only smoke emerges from the leaves though.

"It's too wet." Charlie laughs at his comment while helping Mireille in. She rolls her eyes at his childishness.

"God, are you trying to smoke us out of here?", asks Mireille once she sits down between Charlie legs, leaning her back against his chest.

"No, no. The smoke's going right up this opening." Before anyone can say something, Pitts yells out in pain, having hit his head on the cave ceiling. The other seven erupt into laughter.

"You okay?", asks Neil, still a big grin on his face. Pitts rubs his head, groaning. He takes a seat opposite of Neil, between Knox and Meeks.

"Oh, God. Clowns", mutters Charlie. Mireille turns her head to look at him.

"Says who?" He smirks, pressing a light kiss against her forehead.

"Let's go, gentlemen", announces Neil, standing up and opening the book Mr. Keating has laid on his desk. Cameron sits down after checking for spiders.

"I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society", he says, taking a puff from a cigarette before handing it to Mireille.

"Welton Chapter. The meeting will be conducted by myself and the other new initiates now present." Neil shines his light at his friends, smiling lightly.

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