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Hey bestie, sorry for the delay but Senior year is kicking my ess rn. I hope you guys are having a better school year. Let's get into the story now.

Your POV

Jasper texted me saying they'll be training with the shapeshifters. Well, he said mutts but that's just plain rude. I decided to run there to get my blood going. As I headed out, I saw that Bella's truck was gone, meaning she already left to watch them train.

I forgot that bxtch was going. Just kill me already. Anime tears ('༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

When I showed up, Jasper was explaining why Emmett lost and how Emmett only every thinks with his muscles.

It seems they haven't sensed me yet. Let just watch how this unfolds.

Carlisle and Edward fought and it seemed like Edward was going to win. At the last moment, Carlisle attacked Edward and pinned him. Bella rushed over to Edward to see if he was alright, knowing they were in the middle of a demonstration.

"You know, if we were in a real fight, you could've got you and Edward's killed." I jumped down from the tree I was watching from. Bella just glared at me like it was supposed to do something.

Third POV

As the (h/c) girl came into view, everyone's energy seems to skyrocket. The pack was planning on going back after Edward's demonstration but seeing that y/n was there, they decided to stay until she to make sure she was safe. This was Sam's first time meeting y/n. He's heard of y/n from everyone and saw her before but didn't have time to approach her. When y/n looked at Sam and send a respectful bow when their eyes locked, Sam's vision of y/n holding a child, which he presumes is theirs, smiling.

Great! Sam also imprinted on her. (Jared)

Dang. More competition. (Seth)

Shut up. Did y'all forget Mega-mind over there can read our link thoughts? (Jacob)

"Well watching was fun and all but I'd like to give it a try. Emmett, would you do me the honor?"

"I won't go easy on you just because you're a girl." Emmett got into his fighting stance waiting for y/n to get ready. The pack started to growl but y/n send a calming wave towards them. This caught Jasper's attention as she just mimics his gift. I didn't know she could do that too.

"Oh no, I'm so scared."

As y/n and Emmett went at it, everyone eyed how gracious y/n was fighting Emmett. Emmett was using his speed and strength but y/n was dodging them with ease. As Emmet went to grab y/n, she swiftly kicked Emmett's ankles causing him to face plant. Everyone stared in wonder as y/n didn't use her ability but Bella just rolled her eyes (A/n: I hope she finds a brain back there. Also, Bella still doesn't know y/n has powers).

I could do that if I wanted to. She's not special.

Emmett was motionless for a while and y/n wonder if he was unconscious. "Are you alright?" As y/n kneeled next to Emmett, in one swift move, y/n was pinned to the ground by the throat.

For a guy this big, he sure is gentle. He kind of reminds me of Naga, from Legends of Korra.

"Hehehe, I like this but you should squeeze a little more. Or on second thought, what are you going to do now that you got me pinned?" Emmett was caught off guard and y/n took this as a chance to flip him. As she hovered over his body with both arms on the side of his face. He stopped breathing and realized how beautiful she is. Y/n leaned in close to Emmett's ear.

"If you want, I can give you a private lesson on how to handle me." Everyone glared at Emmett out of jealousy while Bella was out of disgust towards her adoptive sister. The others didn't hear what y/n said but Jasper can see the lust radiating from Emmett. Y/n got up and walked towards Sam and asked for a ride, which he just bent down for her to get on. Before the pack ran off, y/n looked over her shoulder towards Emmett, who was still on the floor.

"Emmett. I was just kidding so don't think too hard about it. See you guys around though." With that the pack ran back to Kai's house, leaving a flustered Emmett.

Everyone was curious about what y/n said, but Edward saw what was going through Emmett's head. Shaking his head with a smile, he took Bella home. Look what you did now, y/n. Who's else heart are you going to capture?

With the Pack

"Hey, y/n. What did you tell Emmett?" Seth coming out after changing into some shorts.

"I have no clue what you're talking about." Walking into the house to see Emily making food.

"Hey, wolf girl." Both of them laugh as they kept making jokes about how Bella was the first time meeting her. They became best friends, Emily was already engaged to Kai. Kai and Emily used to watch y/n when Charlie was at work or she just wanted to come over.

"Here you go. I already made you a plate." As Emily places the rest of the food on the table.

"Thank you, Em but I already ate." I haven't really, but that dream seems to be eating me from the inside out. As if it was real, but it can't be, right?

Y/n walked towards the rowdy table as Emily walked over to Kai and sat on his lap.

"So y/n, you never told us, what did you study in Italy?" Kai took a bite out of a drumstick.

"Charlie thinks I went there for my Paleontologist internship, but I was there attending a school for gifted kids." They started asking more questions like what is she, how does your ability works, etc.

"Now now, that's enough questions. How about we watch a movie? Suggestion?" Emily walked into the living room with y/n.

"Let's watch The Notebook." The boys groaned but went along with it. They secretly loved The Notebook.

With the Cullen's

"Emmett, what did y/n say to you?" Jasper walking up to everyone in the living room.

"A- Ummm, I don't remember." Rubbing the back of his neck.

"You can tell us, Emmett. I'm pretty sure everyone here has feelings for her in some type of way." Rosalie rubbing circles on his back. Emmett sighed knowing they weren't going to drop the subject.

"When I had her pinned, she told me she liked it and asked if I wanted a private lesson on how to handle her." It was silent.

"Wow. I didn't know she was freaky." Everyone looked shocked at what Alice just said.

"What? It was going through all of our minds." Smiling innocently.

Everyone was slowly developing feelings for y/n but Esme seemed worried about something.

"Carlisle, hon. Do you think this has something to do with the legend story?" Seeing as how y/n was able to get along with vampires and shapeshifters.

"What legend story?" Jasper can sense the overwhelming fear but just then, Alice got a vision.

"Oh no. They're moving faster than planned. They'll be here in four days instead of a week. It also seems the Voltouri will also becoming after the battle with the newborns.

"I'll tell Edward and Sam. You guys go ahead and hunt." Esme stayed back and waited until Carlisle was done. Esme was worried for y/n if the legends were true.

"Don't worry, love. I'll do some digging into it." Kissing Esme's head and they both headed out. I hope that won't be the outcome for our dear y/n unless does y/n know what will happen to her?

R̶a̶r̶e̶ B̶r̶e̶e̶d̶ (Twilight x reader)Where stories live. Discover now