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Bella's POV
It's been a month since I found out about y/n. The pack won't talk to me and the Cullens been traveling back and forward from Italy. Even, Edward has been keeping our conversation short. He only ask me what I'm doing and if I fix my relationship with y/n yet.

I told him one time, I was going to Mike's place and he said it's fine and hung up, like he doesn't care for me anymore.

I need a way to get everyone on my side again. They seem to all like y/n but I'm the only one who knows she's a monster. She has even has MY DAD brainwashed.

I was so deep in thought, I didn't see Edward sit across from me in the diner.

"Bell? Bella? Hello?" Edward kept waving his hand in my face and he looked concern. Finally, he's back from their trip from Italy.

"Eddie, you won't believe what I just found out about Y/n." I was about to continue but Edward cut me off.

"If you're going to mention how she's a Demi-goddess who is hiding from Ares, then I already know." He said it as if it was common sense. Once he saw that I was shocked he knew he continued talking.

"Carlisle had a hunch that she was the missing daughter of Megan and Jeremiah. There were stories behind their existence, so Carlisle made notes and looked further into it. Also, the pack helped us by keeping tabs on y/n." I stared at Edward, while he ordered food for me and him.

I rolled my eyes as he went on and on about y/n's ability and history. I couldn't give two shits about it.

"If you like to talk about her so much, why don't you go and date her?" I stormed away and once I was out, I saw that he didn't follow me; which made me more pissed off.

Edward's POV
I waited for the food to come and paid while I carried them out. The food I order was for y/n as I can't eat human food. I knew Bella was pissed but can you blame me? I mean y/n is a freaking Demi-goddess. Once I pulled up to the Swan's house, I knocked on the door and y/n answered.

"What's up, undead?" She giggled at her own joke as I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"Is your sister here? She just left me at the diner but she looked mad." I knew she was mad but she's been crazy lately.

"Yeah, she almost broke the stairs the way she stomped up them."

When I tried to enter, she stepped in front of me.

"I'll let you in only if you give me her food." Good thing I already bought you food.

"Awww, that's sweet of you." Crap. I forgot she can mimic our gifts.

"You're still thinking in your head, professor X."

"R-right. Anyways, can I come in now or do I have to throw these away." She grabbed the bags from me and held the door open for me. As I passed by her, I smelled apples and cinnamon.

"Are you cooking something?"

"No, why does it smell in here?" As we head to the table and she set the containers out.

"No, but you smell."

She just punched my warm and I felt a shock, but it didn't seem like she felt it.

While she was eating, I started to realize she has (facial features) and they sit perfectly on her face. And, her (h/l) (h/c) hair framing her face beautifully. I didn't realize she was already done eating and looking straight at me.

"Is there something on my face?"

"No, but I was wondering if it's okay for me to ask you some questions about yourself?"

She looked at me skeptical but nod slowly.

"How does it feel being a Demi-goddess? Or when you realized you had abilities how did you feel? Oh, before you ask, Carlisle did some research and that's why I'm asking you all these questions. How many gifts are you able to mimic at one time? What was your first ability?"

She laughed at me and kept hitting the table but it was strange because it felt different being with her than when I'm with Bella.

"I'm sorry but I would have never thought THE EDWARD CULLEN was a total nerd." She soon calmed down and explained everything to me.

"And, that's how far I know of but umm. I can't believe I'm telling you this but you seem like cool people. I had a vision like Alice, of Ares finding me and killing all of you guys. I guess I'm still adapting to my abilities, so I wasn't ready for him to find me."

I don't want to be weak. I hate feeling helpless.

"You're not weak, y/n. Why don't you come to our house tomorrow and we can help you improve your power. Carlisle actually knows a lot more about you than you do about yourself so it would help." She looked excited to hear this news and hugged me. This was probably the only hug I felt warmth from.

"THANK YOU. THANK YOU. I can't believe a heartless man like yourself has a heart to help me out." I just laugh but when we pulled away, I felt cold for the first time.

"What's going on in here?" We turned to see Bella standing in the hallway with her arms crossed.

"Edward just agreed to send your crazy ass into an asylum."

I just stood up, laughing and walked towards Bella who seemed to paler than she usually is. I kissed her temple and walked out of the house. It seems like you've caught my heart as well, y/n. Please don't break whatever I have left.

Third person POV
As Bella got ready to head to the store, she felt like she was being watched. She didn't see anyone so she headed to Port Angeles.

When she was walking through the aisles looking for canned spaghetti. As she reached for her favorite brand and the only one left, another hand reached for it as well. When Bella looked at who was holding the can, she was stunned.

It was a man in his mid-twenty, with black hair and some red tips. He has vibrate green eyes with a hint of gold. He was about Edward's height and Paul's physique.

"Here, you can have it. I wouldn't want a pretty lady like yourself starving." He hands her the canned food and smiles.

"Di-did you just call me pretty?" He just chuckles and nods.

"Where are you from? You have a- I mean I like your accent." Bella tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her bottom lip.

"I'm from Georgia but my parents are from Greece."

"S-sorry, I'm Bella and you are?"

"I'm Ayden (Aiden). Nice to meet you, Bella."

"I hope I see you around more but I need to go cook this." She holds up the canned spaghetti and makes her way to the register.

Once she's near her car, she feels a tap on her shoulder. It was Ayden.

"Will you join me for lunch tomorrow?"

Bella likes the attention this new guy is giving her but doesn't know him that well.

"I-umm, I don't know you that well so"

"Then get to know me by joining me for lunch. I'll wait for you at bistro." He walks around the corner of the store out of view and she hop into her car and drive off.

Ayden meets with a group of people. "Phase one is complete. Now, we're moving to phase two. Cyrus, do you have the serum?"

"Yes sir."

"Good. We'll need it for tomorrow."

"Sir, what happens if she doesn't come."

Ayden grabbed Cyrus by the throat, "Are you questioning my plan. That girl is as naïve as a child, she'll come. If she doesn't then you've jinxed me and I'll have your whole family's head. Do I make myself clear?" Cyrus couldn't speak so he shook his head and was let go.

I've finally came to finish what I started, Megan.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2022 ⏰

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