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The sunlight was right in my eyes when I woke up. I threw my arm over my eyes and sighed.

Damn it!

I rolled myself into a sitting position. Aoife’s bed was empty, her covers were tucked back in. If the sun was shining in my window, then it’s almost noon. I got up and started to get changed into my uniform. Why didn’t Aoife wake me up? I was supposed to start on the garden with the lady. I took off the handkerchief that was on my hand. The area around the wounds was a large dark pink circle. That means infection right?

“Jayen, dear Dei!? Are you ready yet?” Maj burst open the door as I finished buttoning my shirt.

“Yes? Can you look at my hand I think it’s-” I held my hand out to her but she just shook her head.

“Go! Go! Go!” Maj shooed me out of my room. “The lady’s waiting for you outside!”

“But I-”


I ran through the halls, clutching the handkerchief in my hand. I would ask the lady to go to the Town to get either some anti-infection or some sort of potion. If she didn’t let me go I would sneak out. I slowed down as I started getting closer to the door. I smoothed down my shirt and ran my fingers through my hair. I took a deep breath and stepped outside.

Aoife was sitting in the gazebo with Lady Dupon. They were sitting across from each other; it didn’t look like they were talking. Lady Dupon was wearing a sunhat that covered her face in a shadow.

“Jayen!” Aoife waved at me.

I walked over to them and Lady Dupon didn’t look at me.

“I’m going to water the plants now that you’re here. The boxwood looks a little dry and upset.” Aoife said.

“Water the Forget-Me-Nots before they start yelling.” 

Aoife winked and walked away, leaving the two of us alone. 

I sat down across from her and tucked my hands in between my knees. “My lady, I need to go to the Town. My little injury has started to get infected and I-”

She tilted her head towards me, showing more of her face. “Let me see.”

I held out my hand, I was still clutching the handkerchief. She took my hand in hers. This time, she was wearing fabric gloves that felt cool on my skin. She inspected my hand closely. She brushed her thumb over my knuckles and I shivered-embarrassingly.

“It is infected. You’ll accompany me to the Town and I will buy you the things you need. As long as you promise not to mess up my garden any more than you already have.” She dropped my hand and crossed her legs.

I bit back my defense and just nodded.

“Come on, I’ll have Jinan take us.”

Damn it.

I nodded. I felt clammy and cold despite the warm sun. Jinan would just be on the outside. He didn’t have to see me. He wouldn’t see me, I would get in the carriage fast.

“Go get Jinan and tell him to get ready. I believe he put the horses in the stable.”

“My lady. . . I really don’t want-”

“I didn’t ask if you wanted to get him. I told you to get him. Now go.” She stood up and walked away. Her dress swayed with each step, it was like watching water flow.

I got up and trailed her into the mansion. I kept my distance and my head down. 

“You’re an Herbalist, correct?” Lady Dupon asked.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now