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They were going to kill each other. 

I ran over to the announcer. He was standing on a box above the crowd, holding up a staff. Sweat was beading on his forehead and his eyebrows were knit together.

“Stop the fight!”

“I can’t!” His voice wavered.

“Tell them it’s a timed fight, just stop them. If one of them dies what do you think will happen to your business? Do you think the Emperor's Guard will care?” I yelled over the crowd.

He looked over his shoulder then at me. Then at the dome. “Fine! It’s no skin off my back!” 

A bolt of lightning crashed down right behind Jayen. She fell over as the ground shook and the sky roared.

He lifted his staff higher. “Time!”

I had never seen Jinan use his full power to create lightning. I’d seen him drop temperature or create a very small storm but that. . . that was something else. It appears the crowd thought so too. People were jumping up and down and cheering. 

“According to our very real and formal rules. . . The winner is the Herbalist! She was able to pin him to the ground and avoid getting hit with lightning! Actual lightning can you guys believe that?”

The crowd yelled in support for Jayen. I couldn’t see into the dome from where I was. “Where would they get out and where would they collect the money?”

The announcer pointed toward to opposite side of the dome. “Talk to Mr. Faa again. He’ll give you your money.”

By the time I had made my way through the crowd another fight had started. Jinan and Jayen were standing on opposite sides of the table Mr. Faa was sitting at. He was counting out the coins and putting them into red silk bags.

Jayen wore an empty expression. She was staring at the ground but you could see she was in her own head. Blood was dripping down her neck. Jinan on the other hand was staring straight at her. He had bruises forming where the roots had restrained him. He looked as if he could tear her apart right then and there. And I was worried he would.

“And 10,000.” Mr. Faa plopped another bag at the end of the table. “Thanks for the entertainment, that’s what we’re paying you for. What are you two waiting for? Take your money and leave.”

Jinan grabbed the eight bags and held them in both his arms. His motions were stiff.

“Thank you, sir,” I said as I met up with them.

Jinan was already walking away and Jayen hadn’t moved. I grabbed her by the crook of her elbow and lead her through the town and into the market part of the town. I had already told Jinan what I needed to get before hand and he led the way there.

“Is that Devi?” The shop owner called out as soon as we were close to her. This area was completely empty aside her stall.

“Yes ma’am!” I joked. I let go of Jayen and she stopped where she was. Jinan handed me a bag and I passed it to the shop owner. “A vial of Nectar, please.”

She took the bag from me and slid a large vial of golden sap across the counter. “Devi you’re cutting it close this time.”

“I know, I know. . .” I hung my head. “I was really busy.” 

The shopkeeper rolled her eyes. “I’d say. You have the angriest looking man I’ve ever seen and. . . whatever she’s got going on. Get home safe, Dev.”

I nodded and turned away. Jinan followed behind me and Jayen followed. When we got to the wagon Jayen climbed in slowly and Jinan rolled the bags towards her. They hit her leg with a light metallic clang but she didn’t react. I sat down next to her and Jinan got on too. This was the quietest wagon ride I’ve ever been on. 

I popped open the vial lid and drank a bit of the Nectar. The consistency was like honey but the taste was like nothing else. It was sweet but it wasn’t too sweet and had a hint of mango to its taste. I immediately felt better. I was warm and I felt like I was floating again.

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now