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“Help!” I shouted, I rode through the town, drawing a large crowd I pulled the horse to a stop. “Is there a doctor? Somebody? Anybody? She’s been stabbed!”

“Here!” A large man raised his hand and the crowd parted for him. HE reached his arms out and picked up Alexandra like she weighed nothing. “Come with me. My office is just down there.”

Before I could even get off the horse he took off running towards a large whiet building. I scrambled off the horse and chased after them, ignoring the frantic and concerned voices surrounding me. 

Pushing open the door I was meet with the smell of rubbing alcohol and dried blood. The inside of the building was just as white on the outside expect the furniture was all mismatched of varying colors and patterns. There was a woman sitting at the front desk, her blonde hair pinned up out of her face.

“Where is she?” I asked, my throat raw.

She looked down at me with a sad expression. “In Dr. Fern’s office. Down the hall to your right.”

I nodded my thanks and hurried down the hall, pushing through the heavy metal door. Alexandra was laying the bed with the large man–Dr. Fern, leaning over her. His hands were pressing down on her side where she was stabbed. 

“Are you with her?” He asked, his voice was gentle but strong.

“I–um, yes,” I wiped away a tear, “she’s my fiancée. Is she going to be okay?”

He ignored my question. “Is she normal or is she an Herbalist too?”

“She’s an Elemental, how did you know I was an Herbalist?” I tried taking a step forward but he cast me a disapproving look.

“For sanitation I need you to stand there. But I could smell it on you, like grapes and dirt,” he said, “dammit, her color isn’t returning yet.”

“What are you doing?”

“Did you not read the sign? ‘Dr. Fern; Celestial Healer’, I’m just trying to patch this up.”

I nodded. “Is she going to be okay?” There was a bur resting in the middle of my chest, preventing me from thinking about anything other Alexandra and walking out of here together, hand in hand. 

“It’s looking grim. . .” he sighed. “What’s her name?”

“Alexandra. Lady Alexandra Dupon.”

“Lady Dupon? Can you hear me?” He lifted up his hands and I watched as his palms started glowing a faint pink color. “I’m going to try to stop the bleeding. Come over here, girl, let me know if you see the blood receding or you see her color start to return.”

I scrambled to her side and grasped her hands. She was cold, almost deathly cold. No, I couldn’t think about that. We got here, we’re at a doctor. She should be okay. . . why wasn’t she okay?

“I have a pulse.” He said, his voice gruff. “Lady Dupon, can you hear me?”

“There!” I pointed at her face, “Her eyes moved, that’s a good sign right?”

“It’s certainly better than nothing.” His eyes shone with an eerie pink light. “I’m doing all I can but right now, it’s up to her about whether or not she makes it. . .”

I nodded and looked at her, she looked so peaceful but there was nothing aside from a flick of her eyes to show that she was even alive. I swallowed a lump in my throat, what if she didn’t make it? What if this was it?

“Who did this to her, do you know?”

I nearly gasped, I have to call the Guards, they’ll handle this. Jinan will not get away with this. He doesn’t get to come back amd wreck my life. “Are there any guards in town? The man responsible is incaptitated at my home.”

Growing Into You (First Draft; Unedited)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ