Chapter 27

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Nalini paced back and forth in her room. She had turned off the lights hours ago, the only source of light came from the small fixture by her bed post. She didn't want her mother to come in and start snooping around, asking her questions she wasn't prepared to answer. 

Because in her parents doting eyes, their daughter had finished her homework and gone to bed at the reasonable hour of eleven o'clock which meant lights out in her house. It was now two in the morning, the dimming yellow from the lamp posts lining her street shone into her bedroom. 

She found herself staring at the road ever so often. 

Tonight was the night of the 'handover' as Damien so eloquently put it in his message to her over dinner. Anyone who saw her message would have thought she was involved with a drug dealer or something.

For someone who played it cool in school, Damien sure loved all this sleuthing around even though he was terrible at it. It was entirely his fault that this Edward weirdo had gotten involved with them. 

Who the hell made a powerpoint about a murder investigation?

In truth, Edward's involvement may be more of a blessing than a curse but then there was that thought that crept down her spine, sending prickles of fear across her skin. If Edward had found out so easily, who's to say there wouldn't be others in the future?

How long could they keep this a secret without it blowing in their faces? And it wasn't just the authorities catching them that she was afraid of. 

The investigation has been kind of fun in Damien's pool house, with the drinks, the snacks and the banter. 

But the truth of the matter was something neither of them had ever taken seriously. If Julian hadn't killed Fiona and Jason, then it was someone else who had motive. And if it was a student, was it someone they knew? A friend who smiled at them during classes?

The mere thought of a cold blooded killer sitting next to her in class was enough to make her blood curdle.

Nalini shook her head, trying to rid her herself of those horrible thoughts. Tonight they only had one mission - transport Julian to Lola's house safely. 

That's all they had to focus on but it was enough to make her jittery. So many things could go wrong; a curious cop passing by, a nosy parent or neighbour, anything. 

She texted Hanna and Lola in their chat group, just to distract herself and to pass the time. They replied in unison, both nervous and waiting for updates as well. It was now two thirty, half an hour till the 'six foot package' was to be delivered to Lola's house. 

And then he would be spending the night in Lola's room, with her, again. Nalini tried not to think about the implications of that. It only brought on another headache she wasn't ready for. 

She knew Lola would never admit it, but her friend was slowly and surely falling for that no good bad boy she had grown up hating. Sure he wasn't as bad as she pegged him to be, but Nalini had been a skeptic from the time she entered the world as a baby. 

Julian needed Lola, he needed the sanctuary and the help she was providing. Did he genuinely like her? Nalini couldn't really say, although she found it highly unlikely. Guys like Julian and Damien never sparred a glance at the three of them before. 

They went for gorgeous, popular girls like Eva and the very thought of that competitive maniac made Nalini scowl. Just thinking about her made Nalini want to finish an assignment she didn't have.

She ran a hand through her wily hair again, wondering why Damien hadn't texted her back when she'd asked him to keep her updated. 

Nalini reminded herself it was for her peace of mind, not because Damien had texted her or that he had been texting her regularly this entire week. The thought of her high school crush actually communicating with her in real life and not her imagination sometimes made her want to pinch herself. 

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