Chapter 42

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The bitter tinge of smoke still lingered on Lola's tongue and burned her throat even after gulping down an entire bottle of water.

She sat perched by the edge of the back of a van and stared at the madness of her surroundings. Paramedics were bustling in and out of the ambulances, carrying their equipment and checking on her and her friends.

Eva was currently surrounded by a group of policemen as she gave her statement for what seemed like the fifth time in the past hour. Her face was flustered but she never faltered or wavered in her words no matter how many times they interrogated her.

If only Lola could hear what she was saying but she only heard gists of it. Eva had confessed to being involved in the murders of Fiona and Jason and Lola heard the names Tyler and Lennox but that was about the full extent she got from it.

Lola tapped her legs impatiently on the floor as she waited for the paramedics to be done with her friends but her eyes eventually fell on the empty spot where the ambulance with Julian had been.

By the time the police came Julian had already gone unconscious. Lola's screams had drowned out almost everything else, even Eva's as she ran into the room to grab the fire extinguisher.

Eva had confessed to being guilty but no one could deny how heroic she was when she ran head first into the burning room, grabbed the fire extinguisher and put out the fire nearest to them.

The girl had succumbed to a few first degree burns but she refused to be taken to the hospital before giving her statement to the police. Her mother had arrived within minutes and Lola couldn't help but notice that she looked more angry with her daughter than relieved.

"Lola, honey!! My God you're okay!" She heard her parents panicked voices as they rushed towards her.

Her mother's hair was disheveled and her eyes were blood shot with worry. She grabbed Lola and engulfed her in the tightest hug. "Are you alright baby?"

Lola had been checked already and after ruling out signs of concussions or any possible internal injuries, she was made to sit by the ambulance as the authorities contacted her parents. She was still in shock but all she could think about was Julian and how he was doing. She prayed to God that he was okay because she just couldn't fathom the alternative.

"What happened?" Lola's father demanded to no one in particular because everyone was too busy sorting out the mess around them. Fire fighters were still putting out the fire in the classroom, the police had just only finished with Eva before she was whisked away to the hospital, and the rest were taking statements and checking in on her friends.

Hanna's parents had just only arrived and they were in a mess just like Lola's. Edward had been taken to the hospital immediately after Julian. Nalini was sitting next to Damien as they got checked side by side by two paramedics. Despite hearing his name come out of Eva's mouth, Tyler was no where to be seen but Lola guessed their hooded assailant was Lennox, their ex-teacher.

He had managed to escape but thankfully the authorities had been able to catch him.

"Lola, what happened? Did Julian do this to you?" Lola's mother admonished causing a flare of irritation to rise from within.

"No, he came to save us," She frowned at her parents. "He didn't murder anyone. He was framed. The guy who did it used to be our substitute teacher. He's the one who trapped us in that classroom and tried to burn us to crisps."

"Your teacher?" Her father raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Why would he kill two students? And then try to kill you kids? The security in this school is pathetic I tell you. How could they allow this to happen?"

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