Chapter 22

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"So what's the update, Lola? Any progress with Tyler?" Damien was quick to get to the point even though Julian didn't seem too enthusiastic when he had first heard that they'd spent an entire period together in the teacher's lounge.

Lola hesitated for a second, feeling self conscious under Julian's prying eyes but then she cleared her throat and spoke.

"According to Tyler, there are quite a few students running in and out of the offices during the day. All those who hold posts in the student body frequent the place."

"That would mean the class presidents, secretaries, treasurers and teachers assistants in all grades," Julian said.

"Yes, but we need to focus on the ones in our grade. The ones most likely involved with the leak," Damien said.

"Provided the murders had something to do with the leak," Julian muttered.

"Well it's the only lead we have because your previous ones made no sense," Nalini countered.

"He mentioned a few names," Lola said and Damien skipped to the whiteboard eagerly. He seemed to be the most excited about this whole thing. She told him the names Tyler mentioned and he jotted them down, his handwriting barely legible. Nalini had to get up and adjust most of it so that the rest of them could understand what he wrote. 

Jeanine, Red and Max were now their prime suspects and Lola's eyes narrowed when Julian stood up and wrote Tyler's name below theirs. 

"I don't think Tyler's a suspect. He doesn't look like he's capable of murder," She interjected immediately. 

"Oh and I do?" Julian countered making her fall silent. She had nothing to say to that. "He's just a suspect Lola, nobody said he was guilty." 

Lola could sense her friends growing uncomfortable. This was the second time Julian and her had argued in front of them and she couldn't even understand why there was a growing hostility between them. 

"Yeah, we're just going to look into each one, standard procedure. Also we're going to have to move this sleepover to one of your houses this weekend because my aunt's coming over and she'll be using the guesthouse," Damien said. 

Nalini immediately put up her hands in surrender. "I'm sorry I can't. Indian parents. They'd know the minute he set foot in the house." 

"My house is kind of full too with my cousins all over," Hanna replied and then everyone's eyes fell on Lola's. 

She looked at Julian, his gaze unreadable and after a long pause she sighed. "My house should be fine. My parents are visiting my sister who's out of state, so we can meet up there next."

"You sure you don't mind me staying?" Julian asked her and she nodded truthfully. Lola had promised to help him and she wasn't going to back out now just because he had a shitty attitude occasionally.

"Great. I'll drop by on Friday at the same time," Damien said and everyone fell silent when the door bell rang. 

"You expecting any visitors?" Julian asked. His face was etched with worry and his shoulders were tense. He looked like he was ready to jump out the window at any second. 

For the first time it made Lola wonder what kind of life he had been living since he had escaped from that van - always on edge, constantly watching over his back. She couldn't even imagine the kind of stress he was under. 

"I'll go look," Damien said, who seemed just as worried. He got up and left the room, leaving the rest to wait in intrepid silence. 

Lola's shoulders were taut with tension as they waited and Julian cursed when he saw Damien walk over with a slightly shorter, very lanky boy. He was wearing thick black framed glasses and none of them recognised him. 

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