Chapter 35- Plan A

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Hayley's POV
I was sitting in the lounge room trying to watch a movie when suddenly Christian's name appeared on my screen

I picked it up in an instant

"Hayley are you okay?"

"God Christian, I am okay why are you so worried"

"Because something happened" my entire body tensed

"Christian, are you okay?"



"I'm okay I"m coming right now"

With that he ended the call and I was shivering by then. His voice sounded disturbed and I don't know what happened

I was pacing back and forth pointlessly and almost after 30 minutes Christian's car pulled into the driveway and I sighed in relief

He came rushing and as soon as he closed the door behind him, he pulled me in his embrace.

His heart was beating wildly and he seemed out of breath, his tense shoulders were getting back to normal slowly

"Are you okay?"I asked him

"I am you won't believe what happened"

He sat down and told me everything.

By the end all my worriedness was converted into anger. Whoever coward this is, they're just getting on my nerve dammit

"We need to tell dad"

Christian nodded and texted someone

After a little texting, kai came to the place

Christian was in his room and he didn't tell me about him coming here?

"Hey kai"

"Hi Hayley, where is Christian?"

"He is in the room"

"Okay" he too sounded very concerned, he was tapping his phone on his hand anxiously and it was making me concerned

"Did you get something?"


"Oh yea I did, let's just wait for him"


We sat there in silence and finally Christian came down, I stood up to leave them to it

"You should stay" kai's soft voice spoke from behind me and I turned around. My eyes met his and his eyes were full of concern

I sat and they started discussing something

"So George sent me this address"

"This is the address where the car went?" I spoke finally getting hold of the conversation


"Then we need to go"

"We?" kai arched his eyebrows

"Look baby as much as I trust you and love you I don't think you should be involved in this" Christian spoke

"And do what? Sit here and wait for you guys. I was sitting here when I got kidnapped, where you were targeted. What else do you want?"

Both of them considered my words, i know they want me to be safe but i need to go with them.

Kai looked unsure for a second but then nodded his head

"Okay you're in"

Christian looked at him

"What you know how to stop her, go ahead"

Christian looked at me and I stared right through him

"Fine you're in"

I smiled and we spent an hour trying to perfect our plan. We called Lucas, Caleb and Leo to fill them in on the plan


After everyone left I got ready to sleep and headed straight towards the bed

Christian was already laying there but his thoughts had gotten through him and he seemed occupied


He looked at me with doubt and I got on the bed next to him

"You're wondering if it is going to work out?"

"Yes I am"

"It will, don't worry"

"How are you so sure Hayley?"

"Because Christian, I am positive. We have faced a lot and this finally might be the last of our problems"

A smile appeared on his face as he took in my words and I just laid my head on his chest drawing circles on his chest as it rise and fall peacefully

and soon both of us drifted to sleep


The next morning I woke up on an empty bed, dragged myself to the bathroom and got freshened up to head downstairs

After such a long time I saw so many people here and words can't describe how much I missed them.

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