Chapter 3

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Nick's POV: 

I just got the ok to take her home. 

The doctors said she needs to have her bandages changed every night and to come back if she pops a stitch. 

We still don't know her name. 

I wonder if she just feels like she needs permission to speak like she thought she needed to eat. 

She sat in the backseat on the way home. 

"Ok kiddo we're here. I will warn you there are 5 other teen boys living here." 

She didn't respond. 

We got out and walked inside. 

"Boy's we're home." I called out kinda loud. 

She flinched. 


No yelling to people.

They all came down. 

"Why don't you guys introduce yourselves." 

"Hi my name is Ace. It's nice to meet you on better circumstances." 

"You know you not drowning and bleeding all over the place." Xander said. 

She just looked down and started to fidget with her fingers. 

"Xander." I said and shot him a look. 

He just rolled his eyes and walked away. 

"Well on that note. I'm Zero." 

"My name's Grey." 

"I'm Arlo." 

"Alright we should probably get onto making dinner for tonight. I'll show you your room." 

"Wait what's your name?" Grey asked. 

"She hasn't said anything yet. We don't know her name." 

"Oh." He said. 

"Ok come on kiddo. I'll take you to your room." 

We walked upstairs her a lot slower than me due to her injuries and tiny stature. 

I slowed my speed. 

"Ok this is your room."

"The door to your room locks

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"The door to your room locks. You have your own bathroom the door to that lock as well. You can bring food up here whenever. You never have to ask. Hmm what else? Oh we'll have to go shopping for some clothes tomorrow while the boys are at school." 

She didn't respond. 

She was just looking around.

"You know you also don't need permission to speak." 

She didn't respond. 

"It would be really nice to know your name." 

No response. 

I let out a sigh. 

"Why don't we head downstairs for a bit?" 

She just followed me.

"Can we just order pizza tonight?" Grey asked. 

"It's kind of tradition for when someone new comes into the house." Ace said. 

"That's true. Sure we can do that. Is that ok with you kiddo?" I asked her. 

No response. 

"That's gonna get old real quick. What are we supposed to call her?" Xander said. 

She just looked down again. 

"Xander." I said and shot him another look. 

We were sitting at the table everyone started to dig in to eat, but she didn't. 

I hate to say it, but we are gonna have to start calling her something. 

"Why aren't you eating?" Xander said. 

"Are you hungry?" 

No response. 

"You don't need to ask permission to eat. Nothing will happen to you if you eat." I reminded her. 

She took a few bites and them stopped. 

"Eat more." Xander snapped. 

"You don't have to. Xander stop being a bully." Ace said. 


After dinner she just went up to her room. 

"Xander did bring up a good point. What do we call her?" Zero said. 

"I don't know." 

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