Chapter 32

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A/N- Sorry a lot of dialog in this chapter. 

Sage's POV: 

I was walking down the hall when the plastics conversation caught me off guard.

"You know that mute girl? Have you seen how much weight she's gained? At least she was skinny before now she's ugly and fat." One of them said. 

"I don't see what River saw in her. Now he's expelled cause of another girls lies." 

I was about to do suspense worthy offenses against these girls when I saw Jade walk up and slam the main girls head against the lockers and then just walked away. 

The sound her head made against the lockers made everyones head turn. 

Damn I'm so incredibly gay, but that was sexy. 

I know Xander noticed. 

Bean had listened to the whole thing. 

I hadn't seen her. 

She walked into the girls bathroom and Iris and Jade followed her while shooting looks at Xander and I, that said not to follow. 

Jade's POV: 

Iris is better at handling emotions, I'll let her take the lead. 

"Hey Bean. I don't know if you remember me, but my name is Iris. I was hoping you could unlock this door, so I can see you." Iris said as she neared the stall that Bean was obviously crying in. 

She actually unlocked it. 

"Ok, so I know you heard what those bitches were saying, and it's not true." 

"But I'm fat now, and I look like a kid." 

"No you aren't and no you don't, but I know my words won't make a dent in your thinking. Let's do something about your confidence." Iris said and shot me a look. 

"I'll call Nick." I said. 

"Hey Nick Iris and I wanna bond with Bean a little bit. Can we take her on a girls night?" 

"Uh does Bean want that?" 

"Bean, you in?" I looked at her. 

She nodded. 

"She's down." 

"Ok I will drop off my card. Text me what this is really about?" 

"Always Mr. M." 

"It's Nick, and thank you Jade." 

"Ok Nick is gonna drop his card off after school. I'm thinking we start with nails?" 

"Oooh do you wanna dye your hair?" 

"Like a different color?" 

"Yeah I have pretty much every color you could think of." 

"I'll have to ask if that's ok with Nick." 

"If that makes you feel better." I said. 

The rest of the day Iris and I were planning and texting with Nick. 

It actually went pretty quick. 

The final Bell is about to ring. 

"Ok what's your dream aesthetic?" Iris asked. 

"What are the options?" 

"I dress more punk/hippie. Jade does more slut meets streetwear." 

"Thank you." I said. 

"I just want to make sure to cover my scars, but I've always wanted to have a yellow raincoat." 

"Done deal, Bean. But scars are hot. Don't forget that." I said. 

And the Bell rang. 

Nick was standing outside with his card in hand. 

"Thank you good sir." I said taking it from him. 

"I don't want you guys buying your own stuff either. You work hard for your money. I got it covered. Spare no expense."

"Remember that Bean. He said you can get designs on your nails." 

She giggled a little. 

"Ok hop in Bean. We're riding in the convertible." 


"Ok who is the person in your life you wanna look like the most." 

"Hmm, sometimes like Ace when he wears button ups, or like how Garren layers his clothes is very nice. But I don't know anyone that wears a white skirt." 

"White skirt?"


"We can work with that description. Riss (Iris) I'm thinking she kind of means androgynous/ masc. But also throwing in some fun girly stuff, definitely gotta find that white skirt, then we gotta get some sick button ups."  

"Sounds like a plan." 

We pulled up to the mall and I noticed out Nicks car pulling up and waiting for us to go in. 

Xander's car was right behind his. 

I can't believe we're being followed by them. 

Maybe I can.  


First clothes, then nails, then hair at Iris's. 

We started in some "Men's" Stores. 

Getting a couple button up shirts, but most of them, triggered some sensory icks. 

We mostly got shirts and jackets for layering. 

We even stopped to get jewelry. 

"Ok my favorite nail salon is down the street." Iris said. 

"Look there's Emmett." Bean said waving. 

A defeated Emmett came over. 

"Hi Maisy." 

"Wait is that your name? It's so pretty." 

"Mmhmm" She said rocking on her on her feet a little, with a slight smile. 

"What are you doing here Emmett?" Bean or Maisy asked. 

"Guys come on out." 

It was literally everyone. 

"We wanted to make sure you were ok with them and once we found out you were we wanted to see you be that comfortable more." Nick introjected. 

"We're getting our nails done next. Wanna come?" 

"You're not mad?" Arlo asked.

"Why would I be?" 

 "Girl you have so much to learn. You guys can come to the salon, but not to Iris's we have some gossiping to do." 

"I can deal with that." 

A/N- Hi guys sorry it's been so long for this book. Should I do a chapter on them doing Bean's hair or nail salon? Lmk!

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