Chapter 19

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Nick's POV: 

Everyone is sleeping over tonight. 

Everyone just on the floor in the living room. 

Ezra and kiddo were still on the couch. 

Just sitting up, but he didn't want to wake her. 

I covered her with a blanket. 

I hope she doesn't wake up from a nightmare tonight. 

They all look adorable all cuddled up like this. 

Emmett and Zero are still up. 

They were just sitting in the kitchen. 

"Hey you guys, not tired?" 

"What happened to her?" Emmett asked. 

"What do you mean?" I replied. 

"I mean she's so...broken." 

"There's always something left to break." Zero said somberly. 

"I don't think a person can be broken. Kiddo just needs a little more support than the other kids I've fostered so far." 

"Why do you even have her? I thought you only fostered boys." 

"They asked. Also I was the one who found her." 

"What do you mean found her?" 

"That's not my story to tell, but I can tell you that she wants to open up. She wants to build connections. She is just needs to realize we won't hurt her." 

"It's hard to realize that when that's all you've been conditioned to know." Zero said. 

He looks really not ok. 

"You guys should get to bed." 

"Yeah.." Zero said and just walked off into the living room. 

"Ok.." Emmett did the same. 

✨The next day✨

Ezra's POV: 

God my neck and back hurt from last night, but it was nice to have her cuddled up by me last night. 

It's Lunch time and Bean is helping people with their last minute homework. 

"Bean I don't understand this one." Caleb said. 

"Guys she hasn't touched her lunch yet cause she's been running around helping everyone." I said. 

She signed something. 

"It's ok Bean, just sit down for a bit and eat." Garren said interpreting. 

"What did she say?" Zero asked. 

"She said she was fine." 

"Ok we all need to know a few basic signs. Just emergent ones at least so we can all help her." Zero said. 

"Like, help, hungry, scared? Things like that." 

"Yeah, and I'm fine, no, stop." 

Garren taught us all signs we needed for the rest of lunch while we made sure Bean ate her lunch. 

River hasn't been to school the last few days so that's been really good, especially for Bean. 

I don't know what his deal is with her, but it's getting obsessive. 

A/N-Ok kind of a chill and short chapter, but I just wanted to put something out I will try to work on getting a new update with some things I have in the works very soon. 

Also Should I do Maisy's POV soon?

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