Chapter 16 - Look Alike

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Liang jumped around the corner and took out one of the faceless dolls from behind. We followed him, except Uno, who finally realized that it wasn't girls creeping around.

Nico: "Neato."

Honey: "Well that certainly seemed easier than expected."

Jyugo: "Nice job. Is it dead now?"

Upa: "These guys are a bit more resilient than that. Though if you strike them in the neck or heart they will pass out."

Jinx: "Talk about a designer flaw."

Uno: "Oh my lord...!"

He peaked around the corner, terrified.

Uno: "You didn't think to tell me that there were zombies walking around?!?!"

Jyugo: "If we had, you'd have been too scared to come with us, you little wuss."

Honey: "Are there more of them around here? Some of us aren't exactly built for pummelling brutes."


Liang: "Yes, it would be best to avoid them if possible. We need to conserve our energy."

Trois stood in front of some writing on the wall that said 'Gogyousan Underground Level 1'

Trois: "This is only the first level. We'll have to be as quiet as possible while we make our way through the rest of the underground cells. Feel free to carry me if you like, boys."

Uno: "Let's make a plan. There are five levels in all, right? One by one— We'll search until we find Hajime— We'll help him escape, he'll kiss our feet and then we can get the hell out of here— I wish— we had an idea— which floor—it was on— Jinx, stop pulling my hair!"

Jinx: "I'm over here, Uno."

Uno: "Huh? Then who...?"

He turned around slowly to see one of the faceless dolls... right behind him. All the colour drained from his face before he screamed. We all ran and Uno scooped me up.


I was fine but he was still screaming and crying. That one doll chasing us soon turned into an army.

Honey: "If you don't stop that howling, we'll never be able to lose them!"


Trois: "Stop bickering and run!"

Suddenly, Honey tripped on a wire.

Trois: "Honey, get down!"

Trois slammed his face in the floor before arrows shot out of the wall. They stood up, Honey's nose bleeding.

Honey: "You almost broke me! I'll kill you!"

I called out to him.

Jinx: "You know Honey, that bloody nose really takes the focus away from all of your unappealing features!"

Honey: "SHUT UP!"

Trois: "Keep going!"

Uno: "Are you hanging in there, Jyugo?"

He looked like he was about to pass out.

Jyugo: "Uno, if I pass out and die here, you just keep running okay... promise me you'll keep Jinx safe..."

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