Chapter 35 - To the Surface

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Uno: "WHAT?!?!"

Qi: "Keep it down, man. You want the guards to catch on?"

Uno: "Are you insane?! No! As her big brother, I won't allow it!!"

Nico: "She could get seriously hurt up there! It's too dangerous!"

Liang: "Your supervisor is up there too, right? She'll be protected."

Honey: "If he doesn't kill her for escaping, first."

Uno hit him.

Honey: "OW-!"

Uno: "She's a little girl!"

Trois: "She is. But, Uno, she's a strong and smart little girl. I think she can handle it."

Nico: "Uno, look..."

Nico pointed to me. Uno's expression changed when he saw the worried look on my face.

Uno: "D-damn it..."

He shuffled over and hugged me tight.

Uno: "You better stay safe..."

I smiled.

Jinx: "Kay! I promise."

He let go and went back to the others, whispering so the guards couldn't hear.

Uno: "Alright, 'Operation Get Jinx Out of Here' is a go. Trois, get her out of that rope."

Trois: "You can count on me."

Uno: "The rest of us, let's get their attention."

Nico hugged me.

Nico: "Be safe, okay, Jinx?"

Jinx: "I will."

Liang: "You're tough, little one. Remember that."

I nodded.

Qi: "Good luck, kid."

Jinx: "Thanks, old man."

Qi: "I'm 25!"

Honey: "... Don't die, okay."

Jinx: "I won't, arrowhead."

He couldn't help but smile a little. They all went to the other side of the cell while Trois stayed with me.

Jinx: "What are they going to do?"

Trois: "They're being a distraction."

I flinched as Honey and Uno started roughing each other up, but Trois smiled.

Trois: "Don't worry, they're not hurting each other... probably... I mean, it's just for show."

Kokoriki: "Hey, cut that out!"

Liang and Upa then started beating up Qi, though I figured they were doing it for real.

Youriki: "Seriously, what's wrong with you all?"

Rokuriki: "What provoked this?"

Honey: "HE'S A CHEATER!"


Nico started trying to separate them.


Kenshirou: "Stop this nonsense at once!"

All the guards were distracted.

Trois: "There's our chance."

Trois pulled out the small, hooked tool he found in the archive room and started cutting the rope on my hands.

Jinx: "I thought they took that off you?"

Trois: "I stole it back from Kiji before we got put in here. It's a good thing I did. Just a little more."

In no time, the rope was cut. I rubbed my wrists and hugged Trois.

Trois: "Go. We'll cover for you. Be careful."

Jinx: "Thank you. Take care of Uno and Nico, okay?"

He smiled and nodded. While the guards and supervisors were distracted, I took my chance and slipped through the bars. Following my nose, I quietly ran up to the surface. When I got up there, Jyugo was nowhere to be seen. I saw Samon with a very tall man with long red and white hair.

Jinx: "Is that Enki? Damn... talk about intimidating."

I saw Hajime talking to a man with white hair. I ran up to him, not caring if I got punished.

Jinx: "HAJIMEEE!!!"

He turned to me, furious.

Hajime: "Number 33?! THE HELL ARE YOU DOING UP HERE!!"

Jinx: "I came here for Jyugo! Where is he?!"

Hajime: "Rrrr... In there."

He pointed to a massive piece of rubble.

Jinx: "In... that boulder?"


Jinx: "Hajime! I've disobeyed you many times during my time here at Nanba, and I'm sorry. But I'm going to have to disobey you this time too. I'm not going anywhere without Jyugo. Especially not until I know he's safe!"

Hajime: "AAH! DAMN IT!...... FINE! Just stay close... it's dangerous and I don't need you running off!"

I smiled.

Jinx: "Yes sir!"

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