Chapter 33 - Mandela Effect

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Uno: "By the way, I wanna continue our conversation from earlier."

Kokoriki: "Haah?! Again?!"

Uno: "Don't get so mad. I just wanted to ask something about these doubts I've been having."

Kokoriki: "A question, huh? Depending on the contents, I won't listen or answer."

Uno: "I want to know what kind of person your former supervisor, Enki Gokuu, is."

The three of them froze.

Jinx: "That got your attention, didn't it?"

Kokoriki: "Hands, 33!"

Jinx: "Aw, come on!"

Kokoriki: "Now! Don't make me ask again."

I scowled and reluctantly let him tie my hands to the bars again.

Kokoriki: "So, you want to talk about Enki?"

Uno: "Right. It's been on my mind since we came here. What kind of person is that former supervisor? I mean, that guy killed an inmate. Yet even though he's an underground criminal, the guys here still show him respect. Moreover, everyone sounds incredulous about the crucial detail of the murder itself. Every time the topic turns to Enki, you guys and that kappa both change expressions. Even though he's a murderer, you don't want to see or think of him like that. Why do you guys doubt the murder to that extent? Why do you look like you can't believe it even now? What's your reason for not thinking of him as a villain even now? There's gotta be something."

Kokoriki: "Who told people like you about Enki?!"

Upa: "We did."

Liang: "When they fell into the cell with us, we figured it was necessary for them to know the details of what they were getting into."

Youriki: "The reason we still have respect for Enki even now... is because Enki saved a great number of people. We respect him more than anyone else."

Liang: "He saved people?"

Rokuriki: "You guys must have heard of it at least once, right? Even now it's a famous story. It caused a huge stir all across the world. About how inmates were used for illegal organ trafficking."

Jinx: "R-really...?"

Honey: "Yes, I heard about that. At first it was a simple rumour going around, but I never thought it'd turn out to be true. Apparently, organs from death row convicts were getting sold on the black market at first. But some guys heard it'd be profitable and got their hands on organs from other people too."

Jinx: "Civilians?"

Honey: "That's right. Moreover, it was some prison chief that connected a bunch of prisons to the shady dealings, right?"

Trois: "It was a famous story. I mean, prisons were connected directly to the black market. It caused a huge stir. I heard that there were a lot of people who purchased them for collections, too. Well, the chief was formally accused by his own subordinate, and he was arrested along with his broker and everyone else. You don't hear about that kind of stuff anymore."

Uno: "But that ended a while ago, right? That chief and the prison aren't around anymore. The brokers disappeared, and that was that. Actually, what does this all have to do with Enki......... wait, don't tell me... The subordinate who made the accusation was-"

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