Part 36- Against Us

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Adalina's POV.

Eventually, I had to go back to work. Now, Aslan did not mind at all that I stayed home however because of his new "protection" system, he wants me around him 24/7.

My little finger keeps telling me that his overprotective mode on me has definitely something related to Daniel.

I told him that I met Daniel but I didn't say a word about the awful things he said about him. I'm worried that he takes it the wrong way if I tell him that I knew about it. And, even more worried that it might be true.

I mean I did expected a few things but...killing innocent people is wrong.

He did let me know that he placed tracking devices in my phone and in the watch he gave me therefore I don't know why. I have to ask him about it.

As I got to work, everyone was staring at me. Ya Allah. This is awkwardly nerve wrecking.

I stopped at my spot as I was staring at my coworkers when they came to me in a sudden way congratulating me with flowers and chocolates.

"That was not necessary, my god.."

"Of course it is girl! We're happy for you and boss!" one of the girls exclaimed.

I couldn't help but smile. I was really afraid they might hate me or I might not feel invited anymore.

A while later of receiving gifts, they left one by one letting me go to my office. As I got in, I was even more surprised to see the huge bouquets of flowers surrounding my office table.

They really went all out. Despite, I'm grateful.

It took me half an hour to place the flowers and gifts away from my working area. Once that was done, I started my work.

I was two hours in of work when my phone buzzed, I took a look at it seeing that it was from Aslan. He was asking me to come to his office. I stopped what I was doing and got up making my way to his office.

I knocked before getting inside.

"You're here, come and have a look" he told me as he kept his eyes on his computer.

I made my way to him as I stood beside him taking a look at the computer screen. An image of Daniel was displayed.

"that's the guy you met that day right?" he asked me as I nodded.

"Mmh...I see you can go back to what you were doing" he said. He looked serious and concerned.

"Aslan" I called his name.

"Mmh" he kept his focus on the screen.

What is he thinking about?

" this guy?" I asked him.

This time he turned my way and looked at me.

"he's a...not a good guy" he said sounding uneasy.

I looked around to see if anybody was here or staring at us and luckily no one was paying attention.

I grabbed his face with my hands making good eye contact with him.

"why do you look so worried? you want to talk about it? You can tell me anything you know" I honestly said to him.

He grabbed the remote that was on his table and turned the glass windows white before wrapping his arms around me tightly.

"thank you love" he said.

He pulled away a few seconds ago as I was still trying to figure out the matter.

"You've become his target...I can't help but worry now" he finally said.

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