Chapter 11

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Important!! (Don't read the next paragraph if you don't want spoilers)

I just wanted to let you know what I have planned for this book: 

After Hope and the twins manage to escape the past and return to the year 2028, they realize things have changed since they left. Something they did in the past affected the future so drastically that an alternate timeline was created... 


Hope's pov

For someone who has deadly toxins running through his blood vessels, Kol sure as hell moves fast. I have no idea how he even managed to get out of the carriage in the first place, when he was nearly unconscious a couple minutes ago.

Unfortunately, that can't be my main concern right this moment, as I'm too busy fighting for my life.

Kol attacks me using everything that he's got- however, he doesn't use his fangs, fearing that my blood will affect him the same way as it did last night. But it's only a matter of time before he figures out that, now that the full moon is no longer up in the air, my blood isn't toxic anymore.

In fact, if he feeds on me, my tribrid blood will actually heal him.

I begin to see stars as his fists collide with my jaw, and then my cheekbone. I defend myself the best I can, trying to remember all the stuff Alaric told me during our training sessions. 

I suffer several severe hits before managing to land a punch up Kol's chin. He staggers for a few seconds, but then returns, attacking me with even more ferocity.

I quickly realize that, were it not for the werewolf venom still present in his veins, I would be dead. No matter how well I fight, I'm nothing- absolutely nothing, against a seven hundred year old being such as Kol.

I'm knocked to the ground, and Kol grabs my neck, as if to twist it-

There's a snapping sound, and for a split second, I wonder if I'm dead. 

But then I realize that the sound didn't come from me.

I stare with wide eyes at Kol's corpse, which is sprawled out on the snow like a display.

"Not bad," my dad says, as he dusts his hands off, "Who taught you to fight?"

"A family friend," I grunt, as I pick myself up from the ground. I notice that my wrist is bent at a weird angle, and I let out a pained yell as I reset my bones into place.

"Well, this 'family friend' clearly had no idea what he was doing," my dad says, as he stares at the bruises on my neck and face.

"He was a great teacher, thank you very much," I spit out, "I was just taken by surprise, is all."

"No," my dad says simply, as he gives a shrug. "No, he was a terrible teacher. Do you know why?" he says, continuing on before I can interrupt him, "Because he didn't take what you are into consideration."

"What I am?" I scoff.

"Yes," my dad says. "For one thing, you're a werewolf. And for another, you're a girl."

"What the hell does that mean?" I say in disbelief.

"It means that you have a smaller build than your opponents. But, at the same time, as a werewolf, you have more power in your body than any other species on earth. All that strength, compacted into a small mass. This should be enough to tell any decent mentor that you need to be focusing on your leg strength, and that you need to attack your enemies by using the earth's gravitational pull as an advantage."

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