Chapter 34

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I decided to give you guys a surprise update :)


Hope's pov

"It's a girl," a woman says.

I'm seeing this scene from a third person point of view. I can walk around freely in this cottage that I'm inside, but no one can see, hear, or feel me.

"A girl," Katherine breathes. "Please mother, let me see her."

"Woman, don't! What are you doing?" a man yells as he enters the room.

The woman from before, Katherine's mother, gives the baby to the man.

"Let me at least hold her once... Just once," Katherine cries.

"Forget it! You have disgraced this family."

"Father, please! No, father, no!"

"No Katerina, it's better for her!"

"No mother, please- Please, mama..."

"2011," I mutter to myself. "2011. Take me to 2011..."

Something must have worked, because the scene changes. I'm sucked a couple years into the future.

"Katerina, may I introduce to you the Lord Niklaus," Elijah says.

I look around, and see that I'm in a large ballroom of some sort.

"Niklaus is the name my father gave me," my dad smiles. "Please. Call me Klaus."

Katherine returns the smile, and gives a little curtsy.

"From where have you come, Katerina?" my dad asks.

"I'm new to town, my lord," Katherine replies.

"Katerina is from Bulgaria," Elijah tells my dad.

My dad tilts his head curiously at Katherine. "Zdravei, Katerina," he says.

"Very good," Katherine laughs in delight.

"Do you mind, brother? I would like to have a moment alone with her." my dad says to Elijah.

"No, not at all. Happy Birthday, brother," Elijah says as he leaves.

"2011," I repeat. If I have to go through all of Katherine's memories- God, who knows how long that could take? Not to mention it's definitely going to make me look at my dad in a whole other light.

"Take me to 2011!" I shout.

Almost four hundred years pass by.

"Wait a minute," the man I recognize as Stefan Salvatore laughs. "What are the rules?"

He and his brother, Damon, playfully struggle for the ball as Katherine exits the large house.

"Who needs rules?" Katherine says, a smile apparent on her lips, "Mind if I join you?"

"You could," Stefan says, "But you could get hurt. My brother likes to play rough."

At this, Katherine laughs. "Somehow, I think that you play rougher," she whispers.

Okay, so we're making progress. But I still need to move one hundred and fifty years into the future.

The scene changes into something more modern. I'm in the kitchen of a suburban house. Standing a few feet away from me are Katherine and some man.

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