Ch. 11: Fleeting

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Author's Note

Most of this chapter is for all the Faris and Ayaara shippers out there lol. Enjoy! ... Not sure if I'll be able to update this upcoming weekend, but to compensate for it just in case, I've decided to post today... Sorry about the cliffhanger 😅


Ayaara's P.O.V.

The following morning, I'd just finished praying before wandering into the kitchen where there was some rustling. Faris wasn't home when I woke up, so he had finally returned.

Upon entering the kitchen, a sweet aroma reached my nose.

"What's cookin good lookin?" I said, wrapping my arms around my husband from the back as he stood in front of the stove.

"French toast and eggs."

"I love French toast!"

"I know you do. That's why I went out to buy the ingredients to make some for you."

I tightened my arms around him affectionately, also taking in his warmth because it was cold since it was snowing outside, "Aww. Thank you, babe. You went out in the snow just for me?"

He turned around and took my hand, leading me to the living room where there were a few bags, "It's our four-year anniversary, love. I wanted to pamper you."

"You always do. But what is all of this?"

He reached into one of them, taking out two winter-themed couple onesies, "I planned a nice day at home for us. Go change."

I took the red one with a grin, leaving him with the blue one before going to our room to change and slip on some socks. When I returned, I found he had changed into his and that our breakfast was ready on the dining table.

"This looks so good!" I sat down next to him.

Faris picked up his fork and fed me some of the French toast, "I hope you like it, love."

"Mmm! Now don't complain if I ask you to make this every weekend."

"I'd be more than happy to," he chuckled.

Sherry and a lot of the guests that had flown in for the wedding left home this morning; however, Bhai and Mehwish Bhabi were going to be here for a few more weeks. I wanted to personally see Sherry off at the airport, but she refused since her flight was at 3 AM.

"How do you feel about starting your job here?" I asked.

We both still thankfully had the same jobs as we had in London. They just transferred us to the New York locations.

"Alright. I'm grateful it's still the same work, but it'll take some time to get to know everyone here."

I held his hand, "Don't worry. You'll make friends soon."

He kissed my hand before he asked me the same question.

We also wanted to go on a honeymoon, but we decided to save that trip for our 1st marriage anniversary. We wanted to settle down a bit—we were about to start at our new offices, so taking more days off wouldn't look too great, and Faris was also new to the city, I wanted him to become more comfortable being in a new country.

We finished up our brunch and cleaned up in the kitchen.

"Now what do you have in mind, Far?" I placed my elbows on the counter, holding my cheeks in my hands.

"Well, there is something..." he eyed me head to toe lustfully.

"Faris..." I blushed.

He chuckled before pulling out two mugs, "We'll see about that tonight. For now, hot cocoa! With halal marshmallows!"

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