The plan

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I know it's a bit early I'm going to try to post again next week on Saturday or Sunday so stay tuned

since the careers were dead kate decided to go back to the cornucopia to enact her plan she grabs a weapon that could be used as a shovel and started to dig up the land mines. she placed and rewired them so they would explode with a press of a button. every 10 minutes she would check the surrounding area for other tributes.

eventually, when she for back she saw a piece of metal was out of place. she tried to remove it but it wouldn't move so she pushed it and a small bunker underground opened up. she smirked, it started getting dark. she closed the bunker and pretended to sleep and wait for her next victim. Hours later in the early morning, she heard footsteps, a lot of them. she slowly turned around and got up and was face to face with the tributes from districts 9,11 and 12.

The guy from 9 was the biggest but still looked malnourished and said, "well well well if it isn't the deadliest tribute in the game with a sco-." then there were 2 cannons and then the anthem started. The light from the pictures in the sky let kate look from the remote and back away. The anthem show districts one and two, the girl from 8 and the boy from 6. The 6 tributes with her didn't notice her grab the remote. she put the land mines far out enough for them to move inward. she slowly moves towards the secret bunker. she saw a drone flying in the sky just about 15 ft away. the girl from 11 said, "look what she got in her hand!"

The boy from 9 said, " give it here you little brat." she backed up slowly and bravely said, " what if I don't want to." The 3 boys got move forward and Kate said calmly hiding her panic, " Move any closer and I blow us all up." They looked confused. She said," I press this button and we all die, the landmines I press this button we all ger obliterated we wouldn't want that now would we."

The girl from 12 said, " You wouldn't do that you would die too, you would get to see your family ever again."

Kate replied," maybe it's worth it, plus I have no family to go back to and dying is better than letting you win." The girl from 9 said," let's just be reasonable here how about you join us and we protect you, you just have to give us the remote."

Kate looked at them like,' are you an idiot.' kate let out a laugh that left the other tributes with an unsettling feeling. "Let me get this straight you want me to hand you the remote and then you're going protect me?." kate said nervously like a little girl, this gave the others hope and they nodded confidently. kate says sarcastically," you do remember you just threaten to kill me and now you want to protect me ha yeah right."

They started getting impatient nodded to each other and started running at her. She pressed the button and quickly opened the wall and jumped but not before her arm with her tracker got burning and was losing a big chunk of flesh as she closed the door. she looked at her arm and realized that her tracker was gone. she saw the bunker had a secret hidden exit she followed it to an area with some top capital supplies. she didn't realize there was a camera in the room. The mentors and capital thought she was dead but 1 president snow with his secret camera, he took the opportunity and pressed a button on his desk and the wall opened up.

Kate heard metal scraping against metal and saw the wall open up and then she heard hissing. she walked closer and saw it was 2 king cobras the ones she was training in the training room. they had collars on and one had a note that said

Dear Ms. Deathwing

I would like you to accept this gift as my sponsorship and ill be betting on you I hope will meet in the capital in the near future you would be a great asset to me.

President Cornelius snow

Kate vowed that she would take down the capitol but she would first get the president wrapped around her finger so she could bring him to his knees.

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