The traiter

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Kate and snow were preparing Peeta for his interview with cesaer. She watched as Snow was trying to break him. She could see that he was making a dent in the boys mind.

She took a seat behind all the cameras and watched as cesser began.

"Hello good evening. And a big welcome to all in Panem. I'm cesser flickermen. And whoever you are, whatever it is you're doing, if your working put down your work. If you;re having dinner stop having dinner. Because you are going to want to witness this tonight. There has been rampant speculation about what really happened in the Quarter Quell."

Kate watched as the peace keepers pushed the boy forward into a seat.

"And here to shed a little light on the subject for us is a very special guest. Please welcome Mr. Peeta Mellark."

"Peeta, a lot of people feel as though they are in the dark."

She kept a stern face but she could only imagine how Katniss was feeling.

"Yeah, I know how they feel." Peeta said.

"Now, so set the stage for us. Talk us through what really happened on that final and controversial night."

"Well, first off, you have to understand that when you're in the Games - you only get one wish. It's very costly. - You're alive. - It costs your life. - I think it costs more than your life.

"How do you mean? What's more than your life?"

I mean to murder innocent people, that costs everything that you are. Yes. So you hold on to that one wish. And that night my wish was to save Katniss. Yes. I should've just run off with her earlier in the day like she'd wanted."

"But you didn't. Why? Were you caught up in Beetee's plan?"

"No, I was caught up trying to play allies. And then they separated us and... that's when I lost her. And then the lightning hit... and the whole force field around the arena just blew out."

"Yes, but peeta, Katniss was the one who blew it out." Ceaser said.

" You saw the footage."
" No, she didn't know what she was doing. Neither of us knew there was a bigger plan going on. We had no idea."
"You had no idea?"
" All right. Well, Peeta, there are many who find this suspicious to say the least. It seems as though she was part of a rebel plan."
"Do you think it was part of her plan to be almost killed by Johanna? Or part of the plan to be paralysed by lightning?"

" No, we were not part of any rebel plan. We had no idea what was going on."
" All right. I believe you, Peeta Mellark. Thank you. Yeah. And I was going to ask you to speak about the unrest - but I think you might be too upset."
" No, I can."
" Are you sure?"
"Yeah, absolutely."
" Thank you."
" Yeah. I want everyone who's watching to stop and to think about what a civil war could mean. We almost went extinct once before. And now our numbers are even fewer. Is this really what we wanna do? Kill ourselves off? - Killing is not the answer. - Everyone needs to lay down their weapons immediately."
"Are you calling for a ceasefire? Yeah. I am."

Peeta had no idea how angry district 13 was its him.

Kate watched as they cut off the tapes.
Peeta stood up flagged by two peacekeepers. She watched as he left in a dazed. He didnt seem completely himself. She wouldn't be surprised if her father had something to do with it.

She turned to her father and said," That wont go down well with districts. It's only a matter of time before they find the courage to fight back"

He turned to his daughter and said,"Then Ill crush them before they get the chance."

Kate turned and left. It was only a matter of time before Snows reign will come to an end.

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