The attack

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They heard a gasp. Everyone turned to see Gloss killing Wiress. Katniss was the first to react by shooting an arrow straight into his chest. Kate heard foot steps from behind, she quickly turned and saw Cashmere. She moved Katniss out of the way in time for Johannah to stick an axe in her chest. She heard grunts from behind her and saw Finnick fighting Brutus.

She was worried about him. She quickly snapped out of her thoughts when she saw Enobaria coming up behind him. She pulled out her dagger and dropped down too slide between the woman's legs taking her down by pulling her foot. Enobaria was quick to react but Kate easily matched the womens speed.

As Enobaria saw Katniss quick on Kate's she got up and ran before Kate could grab a hold of her. She knew that she couldn't beat, but she could stall her. She couldn't stall both.
"Damn it," Kate said frustrated. She pound her fist against the ground once in anger.

Kate climbed to her feet, but not even a second later she lost her footing and started to tumble almost not being able to grip the rock in time no to fall off. She saw the water splash up violently as she held on for dear life.

She turned her head to see Katniss her best friend barely holding onto Johannah's hand. Her eyes widened. She moved closer to the two as fast as she could without falling in. It wasn't quick enough. She saw Katniss fall into the water. She looked around her and saw Finnick and Peeta hanging onto the rock. As she looked into Finnick's eyes and looked at the water. She looked at him again to see him mouthing or yelling she couldn't tell with the crashing of the water," No!"

She hesitated, she hated to admit that her grew on her but she could help it. She pushed the thoughts away and let go. She felt as her body flew into the water, the waves above her crashing against each other. She opened her eyes and immediately felt the burn of the salt water against them. She ignored the pain and looked for Katniss.

She saw nothing. Her lungs started to burn from the lack of air. She swam up looking for Katniss as she went. As she neared the surface she saw Katniss. She swam to her even with her lungs burning and two surfaced at the same time.

Kate climbed out quickly as Katniss was coughing the water out of her lungs.

They made sure they were all alright before Johanna said," Let's just get what we need and get off this bloody island."

Kate nodded her head in agreement.
She moved over to what was left of the weapons and saw a couple of short swords. She grabbed them and attached them to her belt with her dagger which to her surprised hadn't fallen off in the water.

As she was collecting she could feel eyes on her back. She turned towards the group and her eyes met his. She could see the worry as he looked at hers. She didn't understand why. Not many cared for her and she didn't care for many either. The list was short she could count it on two hands.

Lady Dadano

But she felt Finnick weasel his way into that and she couldn't have that.

Finnick watched as Kate grabbed her items, he worried about her. He should hate her. After meeting her he was intrigued by the mystery and the secrets. he couldn't bring himself to hate her, he knew she had a secret but he would have never guessed this.

Her eyes met his and he saw the look of confusion on her face.

The only question he had was,' what was Snow holding over her that was so strong for her to act as a part of the family along with doing his bidding.'

He wasn't the only one with this question as they started moving back to the beach. The question floating in the other victors heads.

The group made it to the beach and moved into a circle.

"So, besides Brutus and Enobaria who's left?" Katniss asked.
Peeta was the one to reply," Maybe Chaff, just those three."

Finnick was the next to speak, he was leaning against the tree," They know their out numbered I doubt they'll attack again. We're safe here on the beach."

The group couldn't help but agree.

Johannah spoke up form her spot. "So, What do we do, hunt 'em down."

They heard a scream. Katniss and Kate knew who it was the instant they heard it. It didn't register to Kate that this was staged. She was to focused on getting to the young girl.

Then they heard," Katniss help me!"

"Prim!" Katniss yelled and was off to get to her and Kate was on her heels finally reacting.

The two ran as fast as their feet would carry them. They shoved the branches and leaves out of the way. They didn't pay any attention to the voices behind them.

They stopped as something felt off and they saw a bird flying around. Katniss was still yelling for her sister and that's when Kate Realized something was off. Katniss shot the bird but Kate didn't see as her back was turned. That's when she heard his voice.

She hadn't heard it in years, she dreaded the sound flowing into her ears.
Was he alive, was this a trick, why was her father doing this to her.
Wait no he's not her father. She was thrown out of her thoughts as another scream of Connors was heard.

She vaguely heard,"No Kate it's not him," as she ran to the sound.

Katniss who knew what was going on knew exactly who's voice that was, hell even all of Panem knew because it was the only time that anyone ever saw Kate Deathwing break.

Finnick came into the jungle searching for the two girls mostly Kate but he only found one. They caught up to Kate as she realized what was really happening. A woman's voice screamed and Finnick started running and calling out,"Annie!"
(If I havent mentioned it yet the two have a sibling relationship.)

He realized what was going on when they found him and they moved to-get back to the group quickly.

They weren't there fast enough, the birds flying around them overwhelming the trio. There was a barrier. Kate watched as Katniss dropped to her knee's Finnick close behind, hands covering their ears. Kate couldn't handle the screams anymore.

She shut off her mind to the outside world, It didn't completely work. All she could hear was Connor's last scream from getting his wrists snapped before his head was cut off.

The group started looking for Kate after trying to calm the other two victors down with no avale.

Finnick watched from his small ball siting silence and not feeling as if he could move. They all saw her standing there in the midst of the chaos, no hint of fear on her face, no emotion what so ever. She looked like Death staring you in the face. Some of the victors recalled this look on her face before she tortured the boy from 7 when she was twelve.

Some still questioned why they called her Death. The victors couldn't fully associate the title with her after talking with her in training and even after her reveal until now. They now understood why they called her death.

The watched as she walked over to a fallen tree and sat on it, no stress around her nothing more than the look that anyone in Panem would fear.

They wouldn't admit it out loud but it was terrifying to see it in person.

She sat like that the whole hour playing with dagger that she pulled off her belt.

Death - Finnick OdairOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant