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Half the beds from before was gone, so was the people who had slept in them. Either they chose to stay away from this madness, or they were dead. For way too many peoples cases it was the second one. I hardly closed my eyes as i remembered the horrific image in the first game. I crawled down from my now much lower bed, and walked towards Sae-Byeok. I reached her, and stood beside her. We both looked forward. "Hey." I said. "Hey." She answered back. We stood in silence, watching people. Observing their moves. I broke the silence. "I hoped you would come back." She smiled a little. "You have been thinking about me?" She asked, making me a little flustered. I put my mask back on and answered. "Oh please, like you haven't thought about me. I'm un unthinkable." Her smile grew even bigger, but quickly covered it with a poker face. Honestly I thought it was cute. Until it realised why. Player 101 walked directly towards us. His cocky face made me wanna puke. Not only his face, but when his smell hit me, I couldn't keep my poker face anymore. I covered my nose with my shirt. A smile appeared yet again on Sae Byeok's mouth, as one disappeared on 101's. "You know a lot of beds are gone now. Watch it or yours could be next." He said once he reached us. I tilted my head. "I'm sorry I couldn't hear you, too busy trying not to throw up. When was the last time you took a shower?" His face almost turned red, as he started gritted his teeth. "Bitch." He snarled before walking away again. Wow, he really thought he did something. I looked back up at Sae-Byeok but she wasn't smiling. "He isn't someone to mess with y/n."
"Aw you care about me."
"I'm serious."
I just laughed it off.

They said that it was night time, and the light went off. It was uncomfortable sleeping in a big room with hundreds of other people.

A loud yelling made me sit back up again. "I NEED TO USE THE BATHROOM!" A lady yelled. I couldn't quite see who. "This is dehumanising! Hey you! Open the damn door! I need to go to the bathroom!" Everyone could hear her, and most people was now awake. She didn't give a damn anyway. "Sorry ma'am but it's night time, we are not allowed to let you out." I could hear a guard say. I think it was the last straw for her. "THEN IM GONNA PISS ON THE FLOOR! SEE?! IM DOING IT ON THE FLOOR RIGHT HERE AND NOW!"
I saw some movement and realised it was Sae Byeok. I quietly got down and followed her. The woman may be crazy but it worked, and the guards opened the door for her. "I need to go too." Sae-Byeok said, and I quickly added an "me too." She looked back confused at me. She hadn't realised I had followed her. I just smiled innocently at her. Apparently the woman who had screamed was the lady with the baby. She looked at us almost mad. "Huh so I have to beg, and you guys just ask and get in?" I didn't even know why she got mad. We simply said we needed the bathroom.

The three of us got to the bathroom. 212, the crazy woman quickly went into a stall. Weird noises came from her, and I did not need to know why.

"Why did you follow me?" Sae-Byeok asked, almost frustrated. "Well I had to use the toilet what about you?" I lied. We both knew it was bullshit, but she just said "I need to go check something stay here." I tried to protest it but there was no point. She grabbed something from her pocket. A knife. And walked in on the crazy woman. Okay this is weird. She truly owes me an explanation after this. I could hear the woman coughing, and I smelled smoke. I couldn't help but take a look inside. She was smoking a cigarette. How did she even get it in here- you know what never mind. "Distract them while I go around and look." Sae-Byeok said.
Oh so that's why. I knew it wasn't just for the bathroom. But how were we supposed to distract them. Sae-Byeok stood up on the toilet seat, clearly making the woman uncomfortable. she took her knife and loosened up a vent. It made a scratching sound, and after some seconds she started to climb up. I wanted to go with her, but the vent was too small for 2 people. She stepped up on the woman's shoulders and climbed in.

I waited on her to come back. she had already taken a little too long. A loud banging occurred, scaring me and the woman. "Hurry up!" The guard yelled.
"Uh uh yeah, hold on! I'm almost done!" She yelled, fear striking her face. That didn't quite satisfy the guard as he kept banging. "yeah Uhm, I don't have toilet paper! I need to find some toilet paper!" She said. I looked up at her, with a question mark painted in my face. She mouthed the words. "Find a better plan yourself." She really started to piss me off. "Hurry up!" He yelled, making us even more stressed then before. I could hear the noises from the vent distantly again, making me being able to breathe properly again. We needed to make it look convincing. She said she needed toilet paper. I got a plan. I grabbed the toilet paper, and stepped outside the room, making space for Sae-Byeok. Her head showed, and she looked serious as she started climbing down. "Hurry." I whispered harshly. I knew she couldn't do it faster, but it still stresses me out. "Here! Grab this and I will close the door. Act like you're giving her the toilet paper!" I whispered. She grabbed the toilet paper without any questions, and I closed the door to the toilet, the exact second the guard opened the door to the bathroom. He stormed in, and forced the door open, where it looked like we helped the crazy woman with toilet paper. "What are you doing here?!" She yelled, making it more convincing. He quickly shut the door again, while the woman kept screaming. We walked out again, washed our hands and quickly went back to our "dorm rooms".
"What did you see?" 212 asked. Nagging her. But Sae-Byeok simply answered "I will tell you tomorrow not now." 212 looked disappointing, and kept nagging and nagging. I felt surprised by the patience that Sae-Byeok held. I sent her a smile before I went to my bed, and she went to hers. And for real this time, went to sleep.

I woke up with the music playing. My eyes darted directly towards Sae-Byeok. She was still asleep. Her mouth open, and freckles easy to see. She was cute when she slept. Her eyes slowly opened, and for that second, she didn't mask her face. It was filled with emotions. Confusion, fear, anger. But quickly she put on her usual face. Covering her thoughts and blocking people out.

It was breakfast time, and we stood in line to eat. I was curious to know what Sae-Byeok saw, but couldn't ask just now. If anyone heard and told the guards, we would probably be eliminated. Not very fun to think about. I grabbed my breakfast, and slowly began to eat. Sae-Byeok sat beside me, and started eating as well. She looked around, before turning to me. "I saw them melt sugar." She whispered. Sugar. What kids game has sugar? I just gave her a shrug and whispered "I don't know any games with sugar. It's probably and old game." She nodded. Even through the seriousness of this, I couldn't help but be a little happy she trusted me enough to say it.

"All players get ready for second game. All players get ready for second game." A microphone said. Second game was about sugar. I didn't make sense to me. "Please form in a line, and get ready for second game." They led us through the colourful room again, and up the stairs. At least this time Sae-Byeok didn't laugh at me. Doors opened and showed a new playground. One with a slide and a tower, you know all that stuff. It was all confusing to me, and probably to everyone else as well. On the wall there was 4 different shapes. A triangle, a circle, a star and an umbrella. Everyone was now in the room, and there was announced that we needed to pick a shape, and stand in front of the chosen shape quickly. I could hear the ones behind us talk about splitting up. Maybe that was a good idea? "Hey which one are you picking?" I asked Sae-Byeok. "Triangle. It's a simple shape. Maybe we need to make the shape out of candy?" Could be true, but why make it so much harder for the ones in an umbrella? I though to myself.
But I am not taking any chance, so I walked over to the triangle line along with Sae-Byeok. The guards started handing out boxes, and the speakers started talking. "Please open your box." I saw 456 in the umbrella line, and even though I didn't really like him, I still hoped it wouldn't be too hard for him. It was my turn and I got the box in my hand. I opened the silver lid, and it showed a brown caramel with a triangle imprinted in it. A little thin needle was in the box as well. Happy that I got the easy shape I looked over, and saw 456's face looking scared, and mad. He had chosen the umbrella. Poor him.
"Come on." Sae-Byeok said and I followed her to sit in a corner. Guards started pointing at us with guns all the time, making me a little anxious. The speaker explained the rules. We needed to carve these shapes out with no mistakes at all, in for a certain amount of time. If we failed we would be eliminated.

The timer started, and I eagerly started carving the sugar comb to get out the shape. The sugar started forming around the needle, so I had so lick it every 5 seconds. A gunshot was heard, and a guy fell down the slide, leaving a bloody trail form his head. Another gunshot heard, this time a woman. I burried my face in my hand, but making sure I wasn't breaking anything. Sae-Byeok tried to calm me down by rubbing my shoulder. It did make me feel a little better. I remembered there was a timer, and quickly got back to work. Soon on one side, it was thin enough for me to try to break it. My hands felt shaky, as I carefully cracked a side off. Sae-Byeok followed my lead. They both turned out perfect. I slowly went for the other side, Breaking it off. And then it was turn for the last one. Gunshots happened a lot now, but I tried to block it out. Sweat had formed on my forehead, and my concentration almost slipped up. I slowly broke a little off from the corners. Then got closer and closer to the edge, until only a tiny piece was left. "Player 69 pass." I smiled a little at the number, but went right back to the seriousness again. My hands started shaking even more then before, and I took a deep breath. And then it was off. I had a full triangle of sugar in my hand. I quickly looked at Sae's and saw she had finished too. "Player 67 pass. Player 376 pass."
"We did it." I whisper, too powerless to talk loader. She nods at me, and we are getting lead to the dorm room. Back to a little more safety then here at least.


Hey guysss. Hope you like the new title, and also like this chapter. If it's a little badly written it's because I'm like half asleep rn😀

But yeah vote or comment it would mean a lot to me

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