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Stiles breathed deeply, trying to calm his racing heart. His hands were especially jittery today, the full moon making his ADHD go into overdrive.

There was a loud clang, and Stiles spun toward it growling, his scarred eyes starting to glow.

"Hey," Hope said, putting a hand on his bare arm.

Stiles recoiled from her touch, ducking down onto the floor and leaning against the wall. Like he was trying to hide from something.

"I'm so sorry," She said, crouching down next to him,"What's wrong?"

"I-It's the full moon," Stiles stuttered.

"It's not even out yet," Hope said, looking out a window at the sun slowly starting to set.

"It doesn't work like that for me," Stiles said, sweat dripping down his head. Feeling his wolf growl, wanting to be free, wanting to hunt, and kill,"You have a werewolf transitional space, right?"

"Yes," Hope replied.

"Can you take me there?" Stiles begged,"Please."

"Yeah," Hope said, helping him up, and this time he did his best not to recoil from her touch, and part of him really liked it, in a way it was like the sweet relief of sleeping after such a long time of staying awake.

He put his hand on top of hers and he shuddered as she guided him through the school, and she looked down at where their skin touched in shock.

She helped him down to the basement opening a cell door that was specifically designed for him, having chains hanging from the walls.

Hope led him to the cot, grabbing the large cuffs, and Stiles held his wrists out to her.

"Is that too tight?" Hope asked, wrapping the leather cuff around his wrist.

"Tighter," Stiles growled through his fangs.

Hope nodded, tightening them further and Alaric walked by making sure everything was up to code with the full moon when he saw Hope putting the cuffs on Stiles' wrists.

"Hi, Dr. Saltzman," Stiles said, making Hope look behind her and blush as she realized what they might look like they were doing.

Hope on her knees in front of Stiles, putting cuffs on him.

"This is for the full moon, right?" Alaric asked, making sure it wasn't what it looked like.

"Yes," Stiles and Hope said in unison.

"Okay, cool, cool, cool," Alaric said, trying to convince himself that,"Just make sure it's only for the full moon."

Hope's blush deepened and she nodded.

When he left Hope looked back at Stiles and they both broke out laughing hysterically.

Hope finished putting up the cuffs on Stiles and was about to leave when he said something that surprised her,"You know, I've never actually done anything remotely close to that," Stiles informed her, testing the chain's strength by pulling on it.

"And by that you mean..." Hope trailed off.

"Sex," Stiles finished,"I almost did with a childhood friend of mine, but she was kidnapped and sacrificed to a tree stump."

Hope winced, and she was about to open her mouth to talk but Stiles cut her off.

"You don't have to say you're sorry," Stiles said,"I'm pretty sure you also have a story like that."

"Yeah," Hope admitted, sitting down against the cell door,"My first kiss helped kill my Mom."

Stiles nodded,"That sucks. How long ago was it?"

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