Telling The Truth Before The Lies

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Something definitely happened last night between Hope and Stiles after he got turned back to normal.

That was the one thing everyone in the school knew, from the excessive amount of PDA, smiling whenever they were around each other, and the overwhelming smell of love that only the wolves and vampires could pick up.

Right now they were in the Great room, literally cuddling as the rest of the students walked around. Hope leaned her back against Stiles' chest while his arms encircled her waist, they talked in hushed whispers, neither one of them caring about the stares.

Hope giggled at something Stiles had whispered in her ear, the bell rang, and they both made noises in protest as they stood and gave each other a long kiss goodbye before leaving.

"You're making a whole lot of people uncomfortable, you know that right?" Lizzie asked Hope as they started walking to their next class.

Hope only glared at her.

"You're still mad for me losing Stiles, huh?" Lizzie asked, wincing.

"Yes, I am," Hope replied harshly.

"I could make up for it," Lizzie offered,"It's obvious you have made Stiles a man in more ways than one..." She said, making Hope blush,"I could offer you my personal supply of condoms?"

"Why do you have condoms?" Hope asked, confused.

"I like to be prepared," Lizzie answered simply,"Besides, Baby Stiles got into them while I was babysitting and I had to throw most of them out."

"Why?" Hope asked, not sure if she wanted the answer.

"He just poked a bunch of holes in them with one of my earrings," Lizzie said,"Luckily he didn't get into the whole thing otherwise I'd have to have another very awkward conversation with my Dad."

"You let a baby mess with something sharp?" Hope scoffed.

"Hey, cut me some slack, I'm not a baby person," Lizzie replied,"And he's still fine."

"I'll think about your offer," Hope told her and they split off, both of them heading to their classes.

Change Of View

Stiles sat in his class, which was kind of like Biology except it talked about how human bodies were different from supernatural bodies.

"What is it with you and staring?" Stiles asked Landon, closing his braille book.

"You're Hope's new boyfriend?" Landon asked quietly.

"Yes," Stiles replied.

"Boys," The teacher said in a warning tone.

"Sorry," Stiles told her, opening his book back up, thumbing through the pages till he found the one he was on.

"How far are you...into the relationship?" Landon asked in a whisper.

Stiles' brows furrowed in confusion, he took off his glasses and faced Landon.

The phoenix flinched at the sight of his scarred eyes.

"If your asking if we've had sex, we did last night," Stiles replied, turning back to face the front, partly to hide his smile in his hand while his other ran along the book, reading the words that only he could understand.

There was a shocked silence from Landon before he said,"We dated a year before we had sex. You've been with each other for almost two months."

"Yep," Stiles confirmed, his smile starting to widen.

"Why?" Landon asked.

"You see when a man and a woman like each other very much--" Stiles started.

"You know what I mean," Landon interrupted.

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