Arm Wrestling

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Stiles and Hope walked down the halls, just talking as they went to their next class. Hope had already started planning their date and wouldn't tell Stiles a single thing about it.

"What's happening at the gym?" Stiles asked, sensing the crowd gathering outside of it.

Hope did a mental calculation on what the date was, it was that time of year that everyone pressured her to join.

"The tournament," Hope said,"A competition between witches' magic, and werewolves' and vampires' physical abilities."

"Huh," Stiles said, while listening to the chatter around the school about it,"Have you ever been in it?"

"I've thought about it, but no," Hope replied,"I'm a first born Mikaelson witch so I'm naturally stronger than most of the witches. And I'm not as strong as the other wolves."

"I doubt that," Stiles said,"Also why are you lying?"

Hope silently cursed his super hearing, knowing that he heard her heart skip a beat,"Fine, I can get a little too competitive in these kinds of things. Which is why I don't participate in any competition."

"Okay," Stiles said slowly,"How competitive do you get?"

"I...may have broken somebody's finger, and the rest of their arm," Hope admitted while wincing at the memory.

Stiles smiled when he heard that,"That's sexy," He said, and he took her hand and started pulling him toward the gym.

"Why're we coming here?" Hope asked a little nervously.

"We're both signing up," Stiles informed her as they approached the bulletin board and handed her the pen, so she could write both of their names down.

"I told you I—" Hope started, but Stiles shook his head.

"Are you gonna sign it or am I?" Stiles asked,"My writing isn't as good as it used to be, but they should be able to read it well enough."

"Why're you doing this?" Hope asked him, while trying to suppress a smile.

Stiles moved behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders,"Just imagine it, you step into the arena, the crowds roaring, the adrenaline rush of competing again. While hearing all the people yelling the same thing 'Go, Hope, kick their ass!'"

Hope giggled,"Shut up," She said, but Stiles had sold her on it on the first word of the sentence.

She crouched down and scribbled both of their names on the sign up sheet.

"See? That wasn't so hard," Stiles said,"So what kind of competitions are there?"

"A bit of this and that," Hope said,"The basic physical competitions for the wolves and vampires. They usually compete with their own kind to see who's strongest. But the strongest werewolves go against the weakest vampires and work their way up after that. You could probably compete against the vampires in the race though," She told him, remembering how fast he went when they were hunting the other werewolves.

Stiles nodded, and the bell rang,"Shit," Stiles said,"I have to get to my class, bye," He said in a rush, before giving Hope a peck on the lips, making her eyes widen in surprise as he took off running, dodging the several students, leaving Hope frozen in the hallway.

When Stiles sat down at his desk he finally realized what he did, and his stature went ridgid,"Oh, fuck!" He said.

Time Skip

Word spread very quickly through the school, the blind werewolf had kissed Hope Mikaelson, the scariest person in the school.

Later that night the tournament began, and Stiles could hear everybody talking about him and Hope kissing in public, and he hadn't even talked to her since that morning.

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