Sorry :(

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Assalamualaikum, my beautiful readers.

How are you all?

I know you all have been waiting for the next update of 'His soul'

I'm really sorry to inform you all that I won't be able to update any time soon.

I know I've promised some of you that I'll update but my board exam knocking at my door isn't letting me to concentrate on writing.

My mental health is not in it's perfect state to focus on writing too.

I'm really sorry. Please bear with me and wait a bit more. I'm not giving up. I WILL UPDATE, InshaAllah.

Please, please, please remember me in your dua.

I really really need that a lot.

I'm sorry again.

Take care and be safe, InshaAllah.

Assalamualikum warahmatullahi wabarkatuh.

Allah Hafiz <3

His SoulМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя