Chapter 23

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Hamza's fist clenched tighter as seconds and minutes were passing by but the whimpering of his dear wife wasn't near anywhere stopping

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Hamza's fist clenched tighter as seconds and minutes were passing by but the whimpering of his dear wife wasn't near anywhere stopping. From the corner of his eyes, he saw her clenching her saree that was on her chest hardly as if someone was head over heels to get rid of that piece of clothes from her blossom. No need to mention that the reason for her drastically being there was caused by none but her husband and that irked him further.

"How could you! Hamza." Hamza tightly closed his eyes, gritted, and whispered those words one by one.
In a few big steps, he narrowed the distance between them and went closer to her much to her utter dismay. Habiba moved back towards the end of the couch seeing him coming to her again.

He noticed her act and stopped there.
"Get up and sleep on the bed," he spoke out.

She looked up and her poor soul was shaken up seeing his hard face.
Not giving her a moment to gather up her courage to reject him, he whispered in his cold voice, "Right now."

She flinched, visibly. Rather than listening to the alpha male stupidly she choose to be an unnecessarily courageous woman and dared to shift her head right and left, clearly ignoring his order.

She didn't think for once that her denial would cause her to be in Hamza's arms, bridal style, just in seconds.

Again the rough hand of the furious man was on her bare waist. She froze to make any sound rather than looking at him in utter shock. Engrossed in her subliminal self, she didn't realize when he placed her on one corner of the bed.

Not leaving yet he leaned over her and gritted out, " I have had enough for tonight woman. Stop being a brat and listen to me once."

Saying that Hamza went to his side, and laid on the bed, turning off the light except for the neon one at the corner, he closed his eyes ready to sleep.
Hamza was about to drown in sleep but got distracted when Zayn's hands and leg began to throw here and there, being restless.

He became alert right away and was about to check on him before hearing the shuffling movements of his wife.
Habiba tried to calm down Zayn but failed as Zayn started to whimper in the utter disturbance. She felt like crying but had no chance of that as she quickly exchanged their side and laid down in the middle. Her back was facing Hamza and she turned a bit, slowly checked on him. He was probably sleeping as hi eyes were closed and hand resting on his forehead.

"So much for being his baba, huh. Here his son is disturbed and look at him, sleeping peacefully." Habiba felt like kicking Hamza down from the bed.

Closing her eyes she sighed and cursed him and her fate for messing with her that night, going against her will in all aspects.

Hamza kept pretending to sleep and enjoyed her blabbering and also smirked at the thought that how his son couldn't sleep in the middle, must be inherited from him.
The lazy sun began radiating a bit light of its, yet to shine wholly. Wiping the night's darkness, it was blinking lazily, waking up, getting back to its job, and brightening its surroundings. Not waking up fully it was giving a message to the asleep people, "You've still got time for Fazer. Wake up."

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