Chapter 31

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Azalea Garcia

"Oh you're on Azalea Adella Garcia!"

Oh shoot.

"I'm sorry?!" I shout giggling my head off. I ran behind his car as he tried to throw a snowball at my head.

My hands are ice cold due to the perfectly circular snowball in my hand but I couldn't care less I was having too much fun.

The snow continued to fall and the sky got darker, me and Jax still the only people occupying the car park.

I run away from the back of the car and around the car park.

Jax returns out of nowhere holding atleast 10 snowballs in his arms as if it's a baby.

When did he make them?

Without having time to think about how he managed to whip up all of them, one hits me directly in my face.

Freezing cold ice drips down my face. "JAX!" I shout. He laughs and points at my face like a little kid.

I chase after his large frame as he continued to throw them at me from behind.

A/N:from behind huh🤨ok Sophie shutup please and thank you.

I catch up to him and jump at his chest to try and push him over into the snow.

What I didn't expect was for him to grab my waist and for me to fall directly on top off him. I giggle and scream whilst he chuckles, this moment feeling so serene.

I stop giggling after a while, and stare into his eyes as he does the same. His cold hands on my waist which is covered by my sweater and my hands lay flat on his broad shoulders.

I feel my face levitate closer to his as if there was a magical pull. His hot breath fans my lips as his face comes closer to mine.

His hands grip my waist tighter and he looks between my lips and eyes as if deciding something.

Never have I ever felt the want to kiss someone. No one remotely at all has ever caught my attention like Jax does.

I had no clue how to kiss and have never kissed anyone before but at this point I couldn't care less.

The utter want I had was too strong for me to worry about anything else. Our chests flat against each other and the snow falling on top of us made the moment perfect.

Jax bites his lip before whispering deeply to himself. "Fuck it" he says and that was all I heard before his lips devoured mine.

His soft skin against mine was an immense feeling. His large hands held the side of my face gently as the kiss went deeper.

Mine and his lips moved perfectly together as if it was meant. My hands roam around his chest and he flips me over so I'm lay in the snow.

I squeal a little from the coldness on my back and he pulls from the kiss chuckling. He gives my lips one last peck before looking into my eyes.

"I've wanted to do that for so long" he says. I smile as he strokes my cheek with his thumb.

"M-me too" I reply. I slap a hand over my mouth and he laughs loudly. He takes my hand off of my mouth and gives the front of it a kiss.

Does he honestly want me to faint right now!?

A flash light shines behind us and we both look up to see where it's coming from. Mr Touissaint stands there with a torch looking at us both

"Ahhh Young love" he says holding his hand to his heart dramatically with a smile on his face.

Me and Jax laugh and he helps me up off the floor, my cheeks flushing a bright red and it's not caused from the cold.

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