Chapter 21

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Conversation died. Bellyflopping into oblivion. Leaving a deafening silence behind that filled the room until every breath felt loud, and awkward. Some silences are peaceful and easy. And up until Tate's potential feelings for Laliana came into conversation, the silence had been easy. Familiar. But now it was loaded, awkward, and loud. I had put Iz on the spot. Asking for a secret that may not have been hers to share. How did silence do that? It was the same sound, but the energy in it was entirely different. 

One was peaceful and soft. The other was wild and dangerous. Stupid awkward silence of crackling stress!

Iz continued to work, stopping long enough to motion for me to turn, her eyes avoiding mine.

"You gave up fast," Iz finally said, breaking the silence. "Asking about Tate."

I was slow to answer, trying to be careful. "I got the impression that you felt like you were being forced into telling someone else's secret."

Iz sighed. "Well..." She weighed her words carefully. "I guess you should just ask him. Besides... I don't even know where you stand."

"Fair," I replied into the silence that followed.

Iz took a step back, nodding at her work. "Done. You should move around in it and see how you feel. Then I can finish up, sewing the final pieces before I take out the pins."

I slowly moved off of the platform, walking around my office carefully. It was a little heavier than I would normally like, but the Masquerade Fashion Show was more about making a statement than an everyday piece that I normally designed.

I stopped in front of my mirror, smiling down at the dress. "You did a great job."

Iz smiled at our reflections from where she stood next to me. "I know." She tossed her hair dramatically over her shoulder. "I aim to please!" We broke into giggles.

I swayed back and forth in the dress, testing out the motion. "I think I could wear this for a few hours without any problems."

I sat down on the edge of my desk, hoping the dress passed the "can you sit in the dress gracefully by yourself and still get back up," test. Some large ballgowns were impossible to maneuver alone. They required a full-fledged team to keep you from becoming a traffic hazard. Something I refused to do have. I would just find a way to ditch a dress team if it came down to it.

I made a note to have Iz adjust a set of lace on the right side of the dress, then moved back to the platform. She got to work adding the final touches before she began to remove the pins. "Thank you for today. I would have been stuck here for a whole other day. I guess It's weird. I have an actual day off tomorrow." I smiled at the idea, trying to decide if I wanted to actually go out into the world and do something fun, or stay inside and be a couch potato sloth.

Iz beamed up at me. "I am so glad you accepted my help! I really didn't want to impose, but I am glad Tate brought me without asking... I don't think you would have said yes otherwise."

I snorted. "You are right. I wouldn't have."

"What are you going to do with your day off?" Iz asked.

I shrugged. "May just catch up on my Netflix binge-watching. May go watch a race."

"Race?" Iz asked curiously.

"Yeah, there's this car racing place that I used to go to back in the day." The cars drowned out all potential thoughts, engines roaring menacingly. The smell of burnt rubber and gasoline had been a comfort, a familiar smell that signaled home. But I hadn't even allowed myself to think about that place since Ashton. But he had moved out of state a long time ago and the itch to return was strong. Since he had vanished, my life had been a lot less terrifying.

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