Chapter 24

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There are some mornings that announce exactly what kind of day it is going to be by the way the sky looks. Gloomy skies mean a filter of thoughtful coziness. Blaring sunshine is a day full of heated emotion that can be good or bad. And partly cloudy is that perfect middle. Acting as a calm, soothing balm on an otherwise chaotic world.

Today's sky screamed partly cloudy, leaving me full of jittery excitement as I finished twisting my hair into a loose side braid, strands of black hair falling down to frame my face.

I had just finished pulling on a pair of ripped jeans, and a white crop top before my doorbell rang. Tate was right on time.

I hopped towards the door, yanking on a pair of ankle boots as I went. Coming to a stop, I took a moment to check myself in the mirror, composing myself. Today was different, and I just wasn't sure what to expect.

Pushing a loose strand of hair out of my face, I took in a deep calming breath and opened the door, pulling on my leather jacket as I did.

Tate leaned against the door frame, sporting a white V-neck t-shirt, leather jacket, and a pair of jeans. Several strands of hair had fallen into his face, shading his eyes. But even in the shadow, his bright green found mine, pausing me in place for a beat, like a wild current that threatened to unravel me.

He was a model of perfection, posed perfectly as he leaned against my door frame, his body taking up the entire doorway. The hallway lights backlit him, showing off his build and clothes like a supermodel. He was the picture of a daredevil. The leather jacket and scars that snaked out of his v-neck gave him an edge that didn't exist in his suits.

He felt more approachable and yet at the same time, somehow more dangerous. A strange combination for someone who I had come to imagine as a cinnamon roll, like those adorable second lead guys in Kdramas. Those men that were cute, understanding, and attractive but never stood a chance at sweeping the female lead off her feet because some dark and brooding guy stole her heart first. But now he wasn't just that very adorkable sexy cinnamon roll that I wanted to hug and protect. He was... well a cinnamon roll that I wanted to consume.

I looked away, realizing I had been staring at him like a gawking fangirl without so much as a 'hello.' So far so good Allie. Great start to the day.

"Hi," I said, offering an awkward wave.

Tate smirked, giving my outfit a quick glance. "We match."

I glanced from his leather jacket, white shirt, and jeans down to my own leather jacket, jeans, and white crop top, suddenly embarrassed. It wasn't that we were wearing similar colors, we looked like a full-on matching set. "Oh, I'll go change," I offered, moving to leave.

Tate reached his hand out, wrapping it gently around my wrist, pulling me to a stop, his fingers hot against my skin, sparking fire through my body. "No need. That looks good on you."

I swallowed, still facing away from the door. And this is how I die. Getting set on fire, and combusting into flames by his words and touch.

I was suddenly reminded of our time wearing matching outfits at the photoshoot. A day that felt so long ago. Normally I was opposed to matching outfits. I designed the outfits because I had seen it as a unique challenge. Comfortable clothes that both men and women could enjoy wearing. 

But every guy I had ever dated hated matching outfits, so I had just gotten used to the idea of them being silly. As something out of a Hallmark card meant to be laughed at and not considered as something cute that I may want to take part in. 

I turned to look back at Tate with a raised brow. "You don't care if we walk around like a carbon copy of each other? A matching set?"

Tate moved to stand next to me and motioned towards the mirror that hung next to my front door, his hand still on my wrist. "What's so bad about that?" he asked, eyes flashing with a challenge. 

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