Chapter 22

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The elevator doors tried to close again, struggling against Tate's hand. But he refused to be moved. A wall of determination to keep everything frozen in a single moment. He stared at me with a shocked, confused expression as the doors struggled against him. 

When it wasn't given what it wanted, the elevator began to wail like an angry and confused child, letting out a furious whine of protest. The elevator wanted us out and if we were not going to push a button and choose a new floor, it was going to scream its head off, making its hissy fit loud enough for my entire complex to hear.

The sound grew to a deafening screech, and soon, I was bolting out of the elevator, eager for the doors to close and stop screaming. I was already panicking on the inside, I didn't need the worst sound in the world as my soundtrack, heightening it. Freaking drama queen elevator.

I turned to stare up at Tate as he followed me out, letting the elevator doors snap shut behind him. Even in the silence that filled the world again, the look of shock and confusion still covered Tate's features, like he was piecing things together.

"Where..." Tate began. Realization dawned. "Iz," he breathed, running his hands through his hair.

"Iz didn't say anything," I insisted quickly. It wasn't her fault and she had done everything in her power to push me to talk to Tate instead of gossiping behind his back.

"I just..." I shoved my hands into my own pockets, utterly out of my comfort zone. I had never been good at treading lightly. I was like a tank trying to tread carefully in a garden. The flowers never stood a chance. And right now, Tate's feelings were flowers and I could feel myself on the verge of crushing them into potpourri, leaving nothing behind but destruction and crushed petals that smelled pretty. 

I stared at the elevator button trying to decide if I could just press it, shove him back inside, and make it to my apartment before he could get back out. I wanted to reboot the conversation. Hit undo. 

"I don't like being utterly clueless," I finally said. "So I wanted to get things cleared up."

"You've never cared before," Tate said quietly. 

I almost laughed. I had always cared. But my grumpy, bristly exterior must have fooled him. But there was no denying it now. I cared very deeply where his feelings lied. 

I continued to stare at the elevator button, willing it to light up on its own. Glaring at it, hoping that I would suddenly develop force powers to press it nonchalantly and not like a terrified girl with a major crush that really didn't want to talk about feelings. I really wish I hadn't listened to Iz. 

"Well, you've grown on me a little," I replied with a shrug, peeking up at him from under my lashes. 

A warm, tender expression slowly filled his eyes, bringing out the small flecks of gold that were so often hidden in the swirls of green. 

I continued, not wanting to lose my nerve before I was done. Not wanting to see that smug look of satisfaction cross his face. "I promise I won't tell anyone. Unrequited crushes suck—"


"And before you say that I am a terrible liar, and will blow your secret," I hurried on, holding up my hand. "I don't even know Laliana anyway, so of all the people to know you like her, it really isn't so bad that I know because in a few weeks we won't be seeing each other anymore anyway—"


"So you don't have to worry about me," I finished. 

Tate crossed his arms, eyeing me carefully. "Are you done?" 

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