4. Home

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Bobby had a meeting with a social worker and a judge the next day.

"And you're sure you want to do this Captain Nash." The judge said. "There is no going back after taking on the responsibility of raising a child."

"100% positive. He's too precious to let go."


Afterwards, Bobby made his way to the hospital with the social worker from CPS. Evan would have to sign some papers and the social worker needed to hear his confirmation in wanting Bobby to be his new parent.

They entered the room and Evan was confused, he wasn't leaving the hospital until the next day.

"Hey kid, this is Tanya, she needs us to talk about somethings together."

"Like what? Have you not found Maddie?"

Bobby sighed sitting in the chair by the child's bed. "No kid I'm sorry, but we have something else to talk about." Bobby rubbed his hands together anxiously he was so nervous. "Um, rather than going into foster care tomorrow, I was wondering if you'd like to come home with me?"

He braced himself or rejection or an outburst. "What? Like live with you?" The child's eyes were wide with confusion and hopefulness it broke Bobby's heart.

The adults eyes teared as he nodded he wiped the tears away. "Yeah like you come live with me from now on. I'm not a foster parent though, so tomorrow we could go to the court house and I could adopt you."

"You'd be my new Dad?" Bobby nodded. Evan pondered. "You want me to live with you? You want me to be your son?"

"Yes Evan I do. You're so special." He ran his hand through the kids greasy hair from lack of being able to shower.

The boy staggered in a breath though his tears. "I don't understand why you want to keep me."

Bobby's heart broke and the social worker's did too but she cut in. "Evan, would you like Mr. Nash here to become your new legal guardian?"

Evan nodded. "Yeah." His voice cracked as broke down. "I really do." He wiped his eyes as Bobby hugged him tightly. "I don't want to be alone."

"You're not alone anymore. Thank you so much kid. Thank you." Bobby repeated into his ear which confused Evan. Why would Bobby be thanking him when he was the one being adopted into his house. He was the one who was going to cost money, and time, and need things for school. He was just passing himself to another person to burden.

After a few minutes of hugging Tanya spoke up again. "As much as I love this bonding moment, Evan if I could have you sign here and then Bobby if you could do the same thing and then tomorrow at noon you'll have your court date where I'll state that Evan Buckley should be placed in the care of Robert Nash."

"Thank you." Bobby said smiling at the woman as Evan signed the paper and Bobby did right after handing it back to her.

The next day at the court house went well. The two sat together in front of the judge as Tanya stated her view that Bobby was a fit parent and guardian for Evan.

"Evan," the judge asked the boy. "You are comfortable and would like Bobby here to be your legal guardian."

The child nodded shyly. "Yes your honor."

The judge nodded and turned to Bobby. "And Mr. Nash, you are prepared to take care and raise Evan here till he is the age of 18."

"Yes your honor."

"Fantastic, then I grant this adoption and can say that Mr. Nash you are now the father of 9 year old Evan Buckley-Nash."

"Thank you your honor." Bobby said grinning and hugged the boy tightly in his arms.

"Ow." Evan said pulling away as he was still injured with burn wounds, broken ankle, and concussion.

"Let's get you home." Bobby said helping the kid up from the seat and into the wheel chair the hospital gave them. Evan wanted crutches to move on his own, but both Bobby and the doctors thought it was best to keep him away from physical activity and mobility until his lungs fully recovered from smoke inhalation and his burns were less severe.

Bobby drove home the back seat of his car silent. Occasionally he'd glance through his rear view mirror to find the boy staring intently out the window. Bobby just felt happy his back seat was being used again. He helped the boy into the elevator and into his tiny apartment.

"I know this place isn't super fancy, but it's a home. Do you want to rest today? Or would you like to go shopping for some things to put in your new bedroom?"

Evan didn't speak up, which cause Bobby to notice immediately that the child looked overwhelmed.

"Why don't we just stay home, I can cook us some dinner, I'm sure you're sick of all that hospital food." Bobby walked into the living room turning the tv on. "Feel free to watch and put on anything you'd like. I have Netflix, and Disney Plus."

The boy took a deep breath nodding and Bobby pushed him further into the living room and Buck stood on his good leg seating himself back on the couch.

Once Bobby finished his cooking, he brought a bowl over to the boy who immediately dug into the food causing Bobby to chuckle.

"Next meal will be more put together, this was very on the spot." Bobby said sitting down next to the kid.

"What do you mean? This is awesome!" Evan cheered happily.

Bobby just smiled as the kid ate his homemade mac n cheese with bits of ham and peas.

By the time morning came for Evan, Bobby had made breakfast and made a list of things that needed to get done during the day.

Evan sat up from the couch he slept on and Bobby smiled walking a plate to him.

"Morning kid!" His voice was far too chipper for the boy, as he was no where close to being a morning person. "I got you some bacon, eggs, pancakes, and orange juice, do you need anything else?"

The boy yawned and shook his head no. "Thanks."

Bobby watched Evan struggle to decide what to do with all the food on his plate. "Something wrong?"

The young child shook his head. "My parents never made me breakfast." His voice came out as a whisper. "I normally had nothing to eat before school."

Bobby didn't know what to say. He couldn't disrespect the memory of the boys parents, but they were abusing him. "Well here with me, I'll cook you breakfast everyday. We can do it together."

Evan's face lit up like a firework at the idea of learning to cook. "My Mommy never let me cook with her. I always wanted to learn how."

"I'll teach ya, now let's try to get you showered and dressed before we go shopping for some new clothes and bed."

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now