10. The Move

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Bobby was truly starting to think that the therapy Buck was attending twice a week was doing its job. He still had his moments, and he still had his breakdowns, but he was much more responsive and open now.

Bobby sighed in defeat when he got a call from the principle during his 22nd hour of a 24 hour shift. He told his boss he had to go and drove to the school his tiredness making him agitated.

"Thank you for coming Mr. Nash." The principle said and he sat down next to his son who's silently crying.

"Bobby I'm sorry." Buck apologized getting out of his seat and crawling into Bobby's sitting on his lap. Bobby hugged the boy who seemed less upset and more afraid.

Bobby gently attempted to sooth the boy before looking back at the principle. "The kids take an art class." Bobby nodded. "And Evan here drew some disturbing pictures that the teacher thought she should bring to your attention."

Bobby shifted in his seat confused. "What do you mean?"

The man laid the papers on his desk. Bobby took in each photo staring at the angry orange and red lines. Immediately Bobby knew what this was and why it was drawn.

"What was the assignment?" He questioned.

The man shrugged. "That's not the point."

"No." Bobby said sternly to the man. "If you're going to call me here, I want the full story. Bring the art teacher in here so I may speak with her." Bobby squeezed his sons torso a bit tighter and kissed the top of his head. "You're not in trouble." He said gently looking at the burning house and people again.

The art teacher arrived a few minutes later and stood beside him.

The principle began speaking again. "Mr. Nash here was just wondering what your assignment for class was when Evan drew this picture."

She nodded. "Well it's close to Halloween, I thought it would be fun for the kids to draw what they find scary. I gave a demonstration of drawing a ghost and a zombie."

"Right and my son interpreted your assignment differently. I don't necessarily see the issue here. I can understand that it's not absolutely school appropriate but come on. He's been through this." He pointed at the images. "He's got nightmares every single night. This is what he's afraid of."

Evan's tears grew heavier and harder. "Bobby can we go home." He pleaded.

"It's just inappropriate for a student to be drawing people on fire." The principle stated.

"I agree, but I think if you want to know a kids worst fear when he seems to still be developing his trauma responses maybe be prepared for something not so nice. It's been over 3 months now, and we have been working with a therapist who is trying to give him ways to express his thoughts and feelings other ways than verbally due to some issues he went through. You probably just made him lose weeks of improvement."

"And we apologize for the struggles you're facing with him, but-"

Bobby was quick to shut the man up. "No I'm not facing struggles with him. He's facing the war I'm simply trying to guide him to safety. And yes we have rough days, and yes he's not perfect, and yeah sometimes he acts out because he feels nothing but worthlessness but he's a good kid. I understand where you're coming from, and that this wasn't okay for school. However you have to understand the child and the situation before we make this into such a big deal."

"So what do you recommend we do about this?" The principle asked.

Bobby sighed annoyed. "I recommend that we do nothing. I'll take him home, I'll take the drawings, I'll talk to him, but by the way he's shaking like a leaf and crying in my arms, I have a feeling I'm not going to have the best day."

Bobby was annoyed he wanted to go home and sleep. He picked up the papers and held his son who wasn't letting go of him and left the building.

He put the child in the backseat. "Take a few deep breaths, you're not in trouble."

Bobby drove home and picked up the still rather hysterical child and put him on the couch. He grabbed some blankets and laid them down. His son immediately cuddled into his side desperate for safety and comfort.

"I know kid, I'm sorry this is happening." He hugged him protectively. "I won't let anybody treat you unfairly."

Evan just continued to cry and Bobby drifted to sleep holding him.

When Bobby woke up his son was no longer cuddled at his side. He got up and glanced around tiredly not seeing him.

He opened the boys door slightly seeing him continuing to draw pictures.

"Hi Dad!" He cheered excitedly and then slapped his hand over his mouth terror wide in his eyes. "I'm sorry." He whimpered.

"No no no no." Bobby repeated a million miles a minute crouching down by the child and hugging him. "God I love you so much."

"I love you too. I don't want to lose you."

"You won't." Bobby said gently and rubbed his hands along the boys back until the child pulled away.

"I drew you some pictures. My friend Jackson said that he drew a picture of his family for them so I drew you and Athena." He handed the picture to the man and Bobby smiled wholesomely.

"Thank you Buck. I love it." He said sincerely. "How would you feel if one day soon we moved into Athena's house and leave this tiny place?"

"Like forever live there?" The child questioned to which Bobby nodded in response. "I think that's awesome." The man chuckled again hugging his son.

Just before Christmas the two successfully completed their move into Athena's home, it now being their home too.

Buck was super excited to have a new and bigger bedroom and told all his friends about his new house full of joy and happiness.

"Maybe I could sleep over." The Evan who sits next to him said just as excited for his friend.

"Okay!" Buck cheered, he'd never had a sleepover before. He was never even aloud to go to one before, his parents wouldn't ever answer if he was aloud to go.

That weekend the fire station and Athena's friends from the police department came over for a gathering to celebrate the move. Evan stayed close to his Dad's side for most of the evening dragging into the night.

Eventually he told Bobby he wanted to go to bed and it was late so Bobby tucked the boy in. Athena glancing at them and excusing herself from the conversation she was having with a few detectives and walked to the child's room.

Evan got into his bed Bobby helping him pull the covers up. "Love you Buck." Bobby said kissing his sons head and then Athena followed. "We're so happy to have you be a part of our family."

Buck gave a shy smile holding his blankets tighter. "My Mommy and Daddy had a lot of parties. They made me stay in my room."

Athena stayed by his side. "Well in this house with this family, you're invited to everything. We don't leave people out or behind."

Evan didn't respond to Athena's answer. "Good night."

"Night kid."

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin