20. Back on Track

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"Here!" The boy yelled when he heard the fire department outside and in they ran. "He sorta lost it during the game I brought him in here. He was hyperventilating and it was like he stopped breathing. I didn't know what to do."

"You did the right thing." Bobby said seriously entering the locker room and laying his eyes on Hen and Chim who just so happened to be checking his son's vitals as he was desperately trying to pull away from the both of them.

"Hey Buck come on please." Chim said quite frustrated but desperate himself. He needed to make sure the kid was alright.

"Stop touching me." He was growing hysterical so Bobby quickly joined his team on the floor.

Buck looked lost. "Buck can you hear my voice? It's Dad. I bet you had a scare out on the field huh?" He tried to bring his child back to the ground. "I really need you to understand my words kid. Can you nod if you understand?" Buck nodded and crossed his arms. "Do you know where you are?" Buck shook his head no and started shaking. "Okay, do you remember leaving for the football game?" Buck nodded. "Right, and the times only 9:15, you're still at the game. We are in the locker room right now. You're sitting on the floor."

Buck touched the ground and nodded trusting his father because he couldn't handle his intense emotions alone at the moment.

"You remember now?" Buck nodded with confirmation. "Alright, now you gave a teammate quite a scare and he called 911, that's why I'm here. I just need you to let Hen and Chim check your vitals to make sure everything's alright."

Bucks attitude was so unlike him Bobby didn't think he was back yet but Buck nodded and Bobby sent them down.

They walked Buck through the process only to find his heart was racing, but he was now still.

"Do you see us Buck?" Bobby asked curiously.

Buck moved his lips. "I don't think so. There's a lot of fire."

"Are you in the locker room?"

"Yes." He responded with and Bobby now wondered if he only said yes because he previous said that's where he was.

"Alright...." Bobby paused. "Kid if you're in the middle of a flashback we can't leave you here. So we're going to have to take you to the hospital."

"I'm not flashing back." Buck said calmly. "There's just red."

"Red?" Buck if you turn your head do you see me?"

The boy turned his head and nodded. "Yeah, but you're on fire."

"Cap this is definitely ptsd he needs to go to the hospital."

"How long have you seen fire Evan?" Bobby was growing alarmed and impatient. The last thing he needed was to have his son at the hospital for having delusions.

"Buck." He said shaking his head and tried to stand. "Not Evan." Bobby nodded and couldn't help the small smile on his face knowing his son was still in there. "Just since I got tackled. I saw fire and then the yelling and I remembered some bad things. Now it's just fire again."

Bobby looked at Hen and Chim. "He's talking, he's standing, he's already having these known conditions. He's alright."

"In this case you already know Cap he's a minor, a parent needs to take him." Chim said.

"I'll take him back with us, Athena's here too doing crowd control, one of us will take the rest of the night off."

Bobby now noticed the kid in the corner who was being questioned by his partner.

"Mom!" Buck said noticing it was her. "He ran and hugged her, Bobby was stung but knew they still aren't on the best of terms.

"Baby." She said hugging back. "Let me finish up here and I'll come see you and Bobby."

Evan "Buck" Buckley-NashWhere stories live. Discover now