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As summer days slowly drifted into autumn and the weather chilled, the friendship between Logan and Michael grew stronger. The two had gotten closer than neither families had expected. Much to Wesley's dismay.

Halloween was a weekend away at this point. Tension between Logan and the holiday grew as fast as Michael's excitement. Logan did not like Halloween. She preferred to stay inside on the usually cold evenings with popcorn and a cutesy movie. She did not like being scared.

So when Michael asked Logan to go trick or treating with her, she initially declined. The past weeks, however, were beginning to change her mind. Any time the mention of Halloween was brought up, Michael would catch himself glancing at Logan, vice versa. Slowly, the idea was becoming more appealing.

This morning, however, she arrived at school to a crowd of people pushing at the gate. The few kids who had phones were at the front, waving them and screaming incoherently at the center. Logan, being as small as she is, managed to squeeze through. In the middle of all the commotion stood Michael and Wesley, both glaring eachother down.

Logan shoved another kid away as she ran between the two boys. "What the heck is going on?!" She said, frantically looking between the two. Neither expected her to be there; hoping today would be a day she wasn't early. Her bright blue eyes bore into Wesley. "What did you say to him?"

Welsey took a step back. "Why do you think I started it?! Look at that little freak. He just started swinging at me for no reason!" He said.

Michael was slowly growing more and more calm with Logan's presence. He knew she didn't like violence. The least he could do was keep it from her. He said nothing as she shot an accusatory glance at him. Their eyes met.

Logan lowered her arms, now unsure of what to do. She wasn't sure who to trust anymore. Anxiety crept under her skin as she realized she was still within a circle of recording phones and faces awaiting a fight.

She turned, trying to keep her emotional breakdown inside, and ran, holding her backpack straps in place so she made as little noise as possible.

Wesley watched her leave. "Look what you've done now, creep." He pointed after her.

That wasn't Michael's fault. They both knew that. Cameras were still on them, however, and Wesley couldn't let his self image in the encounter falter.

Michael didn't say anything. Rather, he followed after Logan quietly. Taunting from Wesley could be heard across campus now, screaming insults to jam down the blondes throat.

Logan was sitting in her classroom, a girl with silky brown hair comforting her. "Boys are stupid." She said. "And they have cooties."

Logan lifted black hair from her view. "What are you, 5?" She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "I don't like either one of them right now, god, why can't we all just be friends?"

"Because boys don't know how to share. Wesley is a jerk, you knew that when you became his friend. Michael is... Ya know..." She expressed her meaning when she waved a finger around her ear. Crazy. She meant crazy.

Logan scoffed. "He's not crazy. Just a little... Antisocial."

"So you're defending him?" The brunette cooed, resting her head on a propped hand. "I never knew you were the kind of gal' to take sides."

"Monica!" Logan whispered. Her cheeks glowed red. "He's my friend, stupid."

"But so is Wesley." Monica pointed out.

She was right. Logan wasn't sure what drew her closer to Michael. It was most likely because of Wesley's constant insistence when it came to her affection; wanting and trying to hold her hand, walking her home every day, asking her to hang out every so often. Michael never asked her for anything.

"But that's... That's different. I know how Wesley is."

Monica grinned. "Logan, you're really a handful, you know that?"


Michael met Logan back in the classroom. He had expected her to avoid him, but he was wrong. Very incorrect.

Instead, when he sat down at his desk, she immediately began talking again. "Good morning Michael! Did you finish your homework?"

They didn't have homework last night. Monica started back towards her seat, a grin on her face.

"We didn't have any." He said quietly. He was confused. She should have been upset at him for starting a fight with her friend. She seemed to feel the opposite.

Logan laughed awkwardly. "Anyway, how was your morning? What'd you have for breakfast? Anything super yummy?" Logan swooned at the thought of food. She had woken up later than usual and decided to skip breakfast to meet Michael at the usual time.

Michael noticed her change in conversation and decided to follow. "No. Just boring ole' cereal."

Logan swung black strands of hair from her face. "What kind?"


Logan reeled. "Cheerios?! That's not cereal."

He shook his head. "Why not?"

"You've never had, like, Lucky Charms or Fruit Loops? Or that silly chocolate chip stuff? Oh, I love that stuff!" She said.

Michael noticed how her eyes lit up when she spoke about something she liked. It wasn't hard to notice, considering she usually spoke highly about her interests. Logan also liked bird watching and writing. Food was a new subject, however.

"I have, but my sister usually gets to it before I do."

Logan grinned. "Well, if you ever want some, I can bring a baggie of some from home! I'm sure my mom won't mind much."

Michael was taken aback. It wasn't too often someone offered to give him something. He glanced at her in surprise, bright blue eyes wide.

"I'll take that as a yes! Remind me when I get here, cause then I won't remember till' lunch." Logan smiled.



𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 • MICHAEL MYERSWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu