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×~halloween rises~×

"Dr. Loomis told me where you two went. I can't believe you would just- Risk your goddamn lives like that!" Judith was beside herself in anger. She hadn't known they had even left the station, as she had still been mourning the death of her mother. Angel stood in the back, staring at the scene with a casually gloomy look. Logan felt this meant she had been in her spot before, being scolded by her older sister.

Logan stared at the ground; her brows furrowed as she was scolded like a child. She could understand where Judith was coming from. For God sakes, her mother had just been killed two days prior. But she couldn't sit by anymore. The police station was now the least safe place on the planet for them all.

For tomorrow, on Halloween, nothing would stop the Boogeyman.

With the depression that had settled around them, No one dared to leave their rooms. Logan was wearing the same clothes she had on day one, which were now clean thanks to one of the deputies and Cathy was wearing plain black bell bottoms and a tank top. Judith had yet to change after the ordeals from the 29th and Angel had changed directly after; into some long leggings and a sweater to keep warm during the cold autumn nights.

Nobody seemed to mind, everyone was too sympathetic to care about what they wore or how they looked right now. It felt so small in comparison to what was to come.

"I know, Judith. I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking." Logan said quietly, running her hands through her messy black hair. She lied. She knew exactly what she was thinking. She was thinking that maybe, just maybe, she could make up for everything she had done in her youth. If she hadn't written those letters, had him make that promise to her; he wouldn't be here going after the ones she loved... Or maybe he would. Maybe he would have come back regardless. And she was the only thing keeping them safe. "I'm sorry."

Judith said nothing. Logan stood up and made her way towards the sheriff's office to return his stolen gun. "Hey, Andy." She knocked on his door. He wasn't inside. She remembered he had been the one to go out in search of her and Cathy.

"He hasn't come back yet." An officer, who had been refilling his coffee cup, said dolefully. He had a hateful glare in his eyes, though said nothing else as he pondered away with slumped shoulders. He had left his half-filled cup of coffee on the table. Logan looked at the sheriff's door. A sudden feeling of anxiety came when looking at his name engraved in metal. "Andy Dixon, Haddonfield Sheriff." She gazed at this for only a moment longer. Her fists clenched at her side as she turned away.

She came quickly back to her empty room. Cathy was not inside, and she had to assume she was off starting an arguement with someone. The loaded handgun was sitting on the makeshift bedside table they had set out for her days prior. It's silver body clung to light as Logan approached. It was heavier now, as if a great weight had suddenly been placed on it. But never the less, she holstered the gun to her undershorts, her poodle skirt covering all but a little lump made by the barrel.

If Andy didn't return by morning, she was going to find him herself. She knew it was definitely a stupid idea. A stupid idea that might get her killed. But Logan knew she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she had been the one responsible for his death.

Cathy waltzed into the room, twirling around. "Dr. Loomis is gonna go get us burgers, whaddya want?" She looked expectantly at her friend, only to narrow her eyes in suspicion a moment later. "What are you planning?"

Logan looked at her friend with a sorrowful look. "I wanna find Andy."

"The sheriff dude? Why? I'm sure he'll be fine, he's a big boy." She knew Cathy only said that to make both her and Logan feel better about his absence. But she couldn't help this nagging feeling in her stomach...

"Just a regular burger, no onions." Logan said coolly. "And some fries."

Cathy nodded, although she looked more stiff than when she had arrived. Logan watched after her with a worried expression.

Cathy felt her eyes on the back of her head as she walked away. Her heart ached with worry at the idea of them leaving again, knowing well that they were too near death the last time they had sought out Michael Myers...


Logan and Cathy ate their burgers (and fries) in silence, a thick air of disagreement keeping them from speaking. Logan was still aching to possibly fix any trouble she had caused, while Cathy hoped her protests and excuses would be enough to deter her friend.

But they didn't. Logan waited until they had finished eating and then asked again. "Are you in or out?" She asked, staring at the floor. "Because I'm going whether you come or not." She added steadily. Cathy took a deep breath and let it out.

"Logan this isn't a good idea." She said quietly. "And I'm worried about you, babe. This trip has done something to you. I understand why, of course," she said as Logan made a face. "But you need to take a second to breathe. 'Write the letter, wait a day to send it, and if you feel the same way, do it.'"

Logan took a second, dancing on her words. She was right. But she had waited, 15 years of it. And by now it was far too late to write a new letter. A new letter she'd wait even longer to send.

Because she knew by Halloween night, she'd be dead.



𝙜𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙨 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙛𝙪𝙡𝙡 • MICHAEL MYERSUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum