Your Protector

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"Two shots of tequila." I ordered to the bartender.

Benjamin was hovering behind me. My heightened senses could feel his nervousness. His reaction was understandable. During the years that we have been working together, our relationship has been strictly professional. It wasn't his fault that he didn't understand that he was more than an employee to me. I didn't directly display my affection or care towards him. For years, I had sheltered him. He did not know that his family had tried to destroy him further. I was so fond of the young man in front of me. The way his family treated him only made me empathise with him more.

"Coming right up mam'" He replied with a smirk on his face. He was attractive and, being part werewolf, we attracted humans easily. We were the honey, and they were flies. We were the predators of the world.

Benjamin stood behind me as I slung myself into one of the bar stools. I could feel his hesitation at joining me for a drink. He just received the promotion of a lifetime. I'm pretty sure he was worried that him getting drunk during office hours was going to get him fired. I sighed, "Take a seat Benjamin."

I gestured to the bar stool beside me. The bartender was dark and delicious. My tongue ran across the bottom of my lip. His brown hair was messy, but they styled it in a way that shouted "I just had sex". The rough stubble on his cheek demanded for him to rub his chiselled jaw between my thighs. Muscles stretched in his baby blue shirt, only making the colour of his eyes stand out. I licked lips once again and threw the shot back. The burning sensation flowed down my throat. All I could do was gulp it down like it was my last drink.

"Keep them coming, sweetness." I winked. "Drink up Benjamin." I turned to him as he took the seat next to me. His mouth was hanging open like he couldn't believe what he was seeing. I gestured to the shot in front of him, encouraging him to drink. He looked at me like I was some sort of Alien, but I raised my eyebrow as a challenge for him to do something other than stare at me and the drink in front of him. He quickly picked it up and chugged it down, his nose wrinkled and wiped his mouth. A small smirk came to my mouth.

"Miss Romano." Ben spoke.

"Loretta to you now." I interrupted.

"Loretta," I could hear how uncomfortable he was saying my name, but the truth was he just wasn't familiar with me being relaxed in his company. I knew I was an uptight bitch, but I needed to change that. He was one of a handful of people I trusted. I deserved to have a family. It didn't matter if they were blood related. "What's going on? You are never like this? I'm happy to see you let loose, but I never thought you would do it with me. And if we're going on a first name basis, you can call me Benji." He said with a smile.

That's the thing about Benjamin, I mean Benji. He's honest. Such a good man. "Benji." I twisted his name around my mouth. I liked his nickname. It suited him. They set another two shots in front of us. When I drink the glass up and slipped the fluid down. "Benji, do you know why I hired you?" I asked.

"Loretta, I know you felt sorry for me." He said solemnly. "You saved me that day. I never thought I would be where I am today." He gave me a small smile in response.

"I didn't feel sorry for you, Benji. I saw a kindred spirit. You reminded me of myself when I was younger." I explained as I looked at the ceiling. "We have somewhat similar backgrounds, both cast out by our families for something that we can't control. When you told me your story, I knew I couldn't let anything happen to you. I knew I would protect you." I replied, remembering the promise I made to myself when I met Benji all those years ago.

"You were just like me when I first met you, broken and alone. But-" I took his shot glass and finished his drink, knowing that my tolerance to alcohol was a lot higher than his. "- You had the fire in your eyes to fight. You wouldn't conform to what your family wanted just because they didn't accept you for who you are, who you love." I whispered. "Do you know you were always going to be my second in command when I saw you that day?"

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