Psst... Announcement Part Two

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Dear Readers, 

Woah, I am really surprised by how many of you have tuned in for this story. Honestly your support has been overwhelming. I have loved reading your thoughts and feelings towards different characters. 

This book is a standalone and at the moment I can't see there being any sequel to this story. I honestly started writing suddenly. The story sort of just came to me. I hope it isn't too predictable and I hope you have enjoyed the twists and turns so far. 

Like with all my books so far, I like to have a theme running through my story. The theme that story is focusing on whether a single person's happiness is more important than a collective group. 

We've seen Leyla thrive and grow in the human world, she is strong and powerful in her own right without the need or support of a mate. However, is her singular happiness worth the pain to the pack who was led astray by the Alpha and the Beta family? Should they suffer for the sins of those who they trusted? 

The land depleting is the Goddess' way of saying that she is unhappy with the actions taken by her children. Is it fair for her to punish those who reside in the pack for the sins of their Alpha?

This book will also be exploring mental health in the upcoming chapters. This will focus on Leanne and I hope you will keep that in mind as the story continues. As more chapters follow I will update my thoughts while writing. 

I would love to hear your thoughts and questions so again please don't hesitate to drop me a message or comment. Also if you are enjoying the story please continue to like and if possible give me a follow so that you are updated with all my other stories. 

Again I would like to thank you all for continuing to read and support my work. I have had a lot of interest in publishing my stories on other sites but at this time I have declined. I haven't started writing to earn money, I did it as a way to express my feelings and thoughts. I don't think it's fair to give you part of a story that isn't finished. My readers deserve their story to be finished. It's been one of my pet peeves when reading stories on WattPad. I always want to know how a story ends! So I give you my word that you will continue to receive my stories. 

Hope you are all staying well and healthy  

Love Cam


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