Pack Meeting

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After the headache that was created from my parents and Jacob, his wolf had announced to the pack through the mind link that there would be a pack meeting this evening. Even though we were not boneed through a mark, I could sense his apprehension and his nerves resonating through the house. I could tell that he was worried about what his pack would think of him when he announced the full truth of Leanne. 

I wasn't sure whether Leanne would be present for the meeting but I knew my parents would have to attend. I knew that I wanted Leanne to be present and see what her pack thought of her actions. I knew from Jacob had relayed when we were stuck in the elevator that she had been made an Omega and was very isolated. I just didn't understand how she blamed me when I hadn't been here for the last eight years. 

I decided to wear one of my pant suits to this evening's meeting with my black Louboutin heels. It was a light blue colour, my red hair was slicked back into a ponytail. I didn't bother with make-up because I didn't need it. All I did was put some simple chapstick on and I was ready for business. Benji wanted to escort me to the meeting this evening but he needed to stand by his mate. He needed to start to be more independent and I needed to show this pack that I was strong, capable and anindependent woman. 

I made my way through the pack house to the back garden where many members were covered around. There was a small stage resurrected that wasn't there last night. I presume it was moved for the barbecue yesterday. On stage stood Lewis and Benji, both looked strong and appeared to be united. On the other side stood Tyler and his mate Jean. I knew that the other day my outburst in front of them all revealed the truth for my dislike towards my sister and family, but I did wonder whether they were already aware of our family secrets. 

There were whispers and murmurs in the crowd, I could hear many questioning why their was a meeting. I could see my parents standing near the front of the stage but they were standing away from the crowd. I was stood at the back and I was observing from a far. I could see that from here that my mother's cheeks were tear stained, red eyes that were the result of her most likely crying the day away. Before, my father would offer her a comforting arm, but for the first time there was a huge gap between them. I could see his eyes held nothing but rage, however his face looked defeated. 

I know my father had been hard on me growing up and for the first time he seemed to start taking some accountability for his behaviour and decisions. He was showing me that he did have some regrets on how he treated me. A part of me thought it was a little bit too late but the fundamental part of me that was a child, still longed for the love of a parent. 

My mother on the other hand, well she was too far gone to repair our relationship. She didn't seem to care that my sister ruined my life, for some reason she holds me accountable for Leanne's decisions. To a point maybe she was right, I mean I was too late defending myself, I let Leanne get away with ruining my reputation. However when I tried to explain that to her, she simply pushed me to the side and neglected me for her golden child. 

It wasn't long before Jacob took the stage and when he did he made a gesture with his hand to the opposite side of the stage where my parents were standing. When I looked, I saw my sister she was chained with silver cuffs being handled by two guards. I could see she was resisting them, she was pulling from side to side, her hair was whipping all over the place. It wasn't long before she was kneeling in front of the stage. 

Other than our meeting the other day this was the first time that I had a real chance to look at my sister. From a far her once clean and clear skin was now riddled with stress lines, her face was dirty and her hair was greasy and matted. I saw her looking out into the crowd, searching and seeking for something or someone. At this point I didn't know what went on in my sister's mind. 

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