Part 20

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Rick and Shane came back after a few hours of searching, I much to my disappointment stayed behind and helped everyone else keep the camp safe. We all knew the farm was relatively safe, I was on my own the longest and I know a thing or two about keeping a camp like ours safe, just in case. Rick walked to me after a few moments of talking with Lori.

"Hey, something wrong?" I asked seeing his grim expression.

"I had a long talk with Shane, thinks we should call off the search.." He said with a blank expression

"You've gotta be kidding. H-he can't just...." I paused collecting myself and trying not to let my anger get the best of me. "What did you tell him?"

"I keep thinking what if it was Carl. Lori and I would want to keep looking. Shane says my good intentions are making us weaker, that I can't make the hard decisions for the good of the group."

"Come on! They're all hard decisions. Does he think there are any easy decisions left in this mess of a world? Honestly. You're doing the best you can with the choices you have."

"But maybe I'm holding on to a way of thinking that doesn't make sense anymore. He says it's math, basic survival-- How much fuel, how much food, how much ammo. Not much room in that equation for being soft. It's pretty simple when you start thinking of life like that."

"As hard as this life is, it's still not as simple as basic math. None of us were prepared to be living life this way. You are making the best decisions you can with the information you have. I don't see soft in that."

"Mr. Grimes. My dad wants to talk to you." Beth said catching out attention. She gave a quick wave to me and Rick and I headed over to Hershel.

"One of my horses is missing. Did one of your people take him?" Hershel said once we had reached him, he looked up from the gas he was filling a machine with.

"I was given the impression you knew about that." Rick stated calmly.

"I did not."

"I'll go and talk to Daryl, and I promise your horse will be fine Hershel," I said just as calmly. I knew he couldn't be all that mad at me. I stepped away and said quietly enough so only Rick could hear, "I'm gonna go find that dumbass, make sure he's okay, he's been out lookin'  for a while." Rick gave me a slight nod and I excused myself. 

I walked into the forest after grabbing my machete, and a canteen of water and began looking for Daryl, he'd been out most of the day looking and I didn't have a good feeling. I walked and walked and walked and eventually, I found a trail that seemed to be the horse and hopefully Daryl. Eventually, I found a little waterfall, and I saw Daryl struggling to climb out of it. I immediately ran over to help him.

"You'd best shut the hell up!" He yelled to seemingly nothing.

"Daryl! Daryl! Get your ass up here I'll help you up!" I yelled worried. It was almost like he didn't even hear me. Shit, he's hallucinating.

"That's not true! Y/n was there! More than your sorry ass ever was!" He yelled angry now. He was closer to the top and I decided to ignore whoever he thought he was seeing or talking to. I reached out and grabbed his hand, with much effort I pulled him up. He was still really out of it and kinda flopped down on my lap. I quickly gave him some water realizing he was probably hallucinating from dehydration. After a few moments, he blinked and his eyes no longer looked so glossy.

"Y/n?" He asked confused.

"Hey dumbass." I said smiling softly he returned the smile and started to laugh, then he grabbed his side and winced.

They don't know about us (Daryl Dixon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now