Chapter One Hundred and Thirty One - In the End, He Must Still Leave

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"It's time for me to leave..."

The golden sun burned fiercely in a cloudless sky when these decisive words passed through his lips. No shadows were cast by the walls he sat upon and the landscape was mostly quiet with the exception of light breezes brushing across lengthening grasses in the fields beyond and the singing of the small families of birds in nearby trees. He was alone, even the dry corpses of the undead that he had put to rest just a few hours earlier had burned to dust in the relentless fire cast by his old friend's hand, the purified smoke had also been swept away into the air. All was currently peaceful, at least for this moment when the itch in his soul decided to make itself known once more.

He had never been good at standing still...

Actually, he had never meant to remain here, in this small haven surrounded by thick stone walls for so long; he had only meant to find Ren Zexian, to guide him that they might reunite with Yu Zhang before making any decisions for their future paths. But Ren Zexian's heart had taken root here, with a beautiful youth whose eyes were as pure as the water his veins produced. His apprentice Chang Min had also tied himself to this place, though Bai Yan was aware that even without such a tie, that child would not leave his Master to go with him instead. He waved away his wandering thoughts, thinking of the other delightful distraction this place had going for it and a shiver of anticipation raced up his spine.

Remaining one or two more nights would be fine, he decided. But ultimately, he was aware that even the indulgent pleasure to be found in Patrick's delicious body would not keep him here much longer.

Patrick also did not try to keep him.

"Are you sure that you are fine with this?" Harry murmured to him on the morning they discovered that Bai Yan meant to leave.

Patrick smiled, warmed by the concern, but shook his head without care. "I knew Bai Yan's type when I let him crawl into my bed. There's likely no one on this planet that can keep that kind of man pinned down for long and I was okay with that." However his smile turned into a pout as he considered one thing that had not occurred to him before now. "Ah, but it's going to be real troublesome to find a husband now! Won't I always be comparing other men with him?!"

"You like him that much, why not tell him?" Harry asked.

"Huh? When did I say I liked him?" Patrick looked confused. "I was talking about the sex! It was the best sex I've ever had! That man is a genius in bed!" Harry wished he'd kept his silence and concern to himself.

"What are your plans?" Ren Zexian enquired of his old friend as they walked towards the gates. They did not need to open the gates, Bai Yan would just leap over the walls and head wherever he was heading. More, it was the courtesy etched inside their bones that had them heading to the gates regardless.

"I will head over to old Zhang first," Bai Yan replied. "He has been waiting for close to a year for news of you." A year was really not long to a cultivator, but in the circumstances were also unusual even for they who had seen so much in their long lifetimes. It would not be unexpected that Yu Zhang might be eager for news, even a little anxious for it.

"Of course," Ren Zexian acknowledged the unspoken words as well as the spoken. "Send Yu Zhang and Long Wenwen my regards."

Bai Yan nodded before continuing; "And then I might see if I can find the whereabouts of the others, or at least any signs of them." The twelve of them had been together for the longest period towards Eld Dein's end. His heart had ached when he had discovered that Lu Ting was no more, but also comforted that his body's final rest had come at the hands of Ren Zexian. There were worst fates.

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