Chapter Sixty Two - Hidden Dangers in a Garden

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The second breech had also occurred in the southern mansion, this one much larger than the force that caused the defenders to notice this.  There had been another attempt to breech the wall much further up, past the defenders, but this one had ended as quickly as it began and the rotting bodies were now sustenance for the leafy mutant vines lurking within the hedgerow.

The fat, one eyed rat twitched its whisker-less nose determining that the living upon the walls were not the only fresh meat available in the vicinity and 'guided' the rodents around it towards that other source.  They scampered unseen towards the delicious meal source, easily scampering beneath and between the long bars with the metallic scent and through the unkempt weeds nearby, before rushing through a line of bushes.  Suddenly, the last squeaks of the fallen echoed around the rat and several of the rodents, mostly rabbits and the one hare it controlled, fell, twitching upon the ground.  It did not stop to eat sensing danger, instead it hurried its minions towards the human habitat and had the remaining rabbits throw themselves at the currently sealed openings.  Soon there was a loud crack...

Ren Zexian's air root was not only useful in creating blades and bullets from the surrounding atmosphere, but the element allowed him swiftness of movement, speed and with enough strength he would even be able to fly again.  Right now, it was enough that he could guide the energy to his feet and legs, to gain speed as he ran towards the mansion base... and his lover.  He gave only a cursory glance at the dead bodies lying within a patch of rose bushes and the same to the wriggling ivy as it strangled a few bodies in its ceaseless grip.  The glass of the living room window had a clear hole, large enough for the rodents, though a streak of black-green blood was upon one jagged edge, clearly it hadn't been enough to stop the zombie rodents from breeching the property.

The front doors burst open with the force of gales, breaking the lock and damaging the door, but Ren Zexian could not care about this destruction right now.  Using his grasp of the air, he sent out his internal energies, scanning the property for movement.  The air brushed against many unmoving objects before sensing that which it sort; easier than attempting to find out which room or hallway the crashing noises and baby cries were coming from.  Quickly, Ren Zexian made his way towards the gym.

The gym equipment was mismatched, from unusable running machines to weights.  But there was something all had in common; metal. 


The baby had started crying not long after the others had left to intercept the zombies.  Autumn glanced over at Brooke, who was carelessly finishing her meal with added complaints that it was boring and not satisfying.  She didn't like the jam, so dry bread was all she could consume.  Autumn turned away and went to see the baby herself. He was just a bit wet and uncomfortable, so she changed his nappy, noting that he was quickly making his way through the newborn size that they had, maybe they would last a fortnight or so?  Fortunately, he was growing well, the next size up would be a bit big, if they had to use them too soon, but not for long. 

As the baby had no intention of going back to sleep in his cot, Autumn wrapped him in a blanket and felt her heart melt as he nestled into her hold.  What did it matter that the little one had a mother that was not on the maternal side as yet?  He had a couple of aunties and a whole slew of uncles already looking out for him.  Not to mention his loving daddy.  Brooke would surely come around at some point as well, her cousin was mostly self-centred, but she was not an uncaring person.

Good job she came to this conclusion as when she descended the stairs, for she heard said cousin complaining loudly; "Am I going to have to consume that lettuce soup for lunch, again?  What am I?  A rabbit?"

There was the sound of glass cracking and it didn't come from the kitchen.  Autumn, glanced into the living room to see the distorted face of what possibly could have been a cute bunny over a year ago, smack into the window.  It left a streak of grey-green as drool slid down the cracked pane from it's jawless mouth.  Autumn clapped a hand over her mouth and slipped back into the kitchen.

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