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Stefan's Point Of View

Dinner finished cooking at the exact same time Steve arrived.

I got everything put on the table, while James greeted his best friend.

I could hear them laughing from across the dorm; they were talking about me, if I'm the only 'Stefan' they know.

They came into view, and Steve smiled at me after looking at the food in awe. "You made this?" He asked, and I shrugged, chuckling.

"It's nothing, really. Have a seat." I said, sitting down.

James raised his eyebrows at me, and I blinked at him, a silent conversation going on between us.

He rolled his eyes, and without warning, sat right next to me, lifting my left leg to drape over his right knee, his right arm going around my waist.

I had jolted in surprise, turning red as Steve grinned, trying not to laugh.

But then he noticed the mac and cheese.

His grin dimmed, and he looked at James in annoyance. "You know that's not good for you, Buck."

James just smiled at his best friend, putting a heaping spoonful of mac and cheese on his plate. 

Nearly half the fucking bowl of it, if we're being honest here.

"Just try it, Steve. You'll understand when you try this mac and cheese." James said, stuffing a massive mouthful of it in his mouth with a childish smile.

Steve hesitantly took some mac and cheese with a super soldier sized proportion of chicken, while I took normal sized proportions of each, taking small bites while the child next to me ate like he hadn't eaten in years, getting food everywhere.

Steve tried the chicken first, telling me it tasted good, before he poked at the mac and cheese like it was going to bite him.

And then he took a bite.

I held my breath, and waited for a reaction, which took several minutes for it to come. But, when it did, it was worth it.

He smiled hugely, and James grinned at him knowingly, before Steve stuffed a heaping spoonful in his mouth.

"So it's ok?" I asked, and Steve scoffed. "Ok? This is great! Bucky was right; mac and cheese is only awful when Tony makes it." 

I looked at James in a 'really?' face, and he just kissed my temple. "Don't worry about it, darlin'. It's all in good fun."

"It better be." I said, and James gave me a mega watt smile, hoping it would make me forgive him.

It's Tony Stark.

How am I supposed to forgive him for insulting a billionaire who could make me lose my job over it?

But I dropped it-- for now, at least-- and we continued eating, talking here and there, until Steve had to go to home.

"You coming, Buck? Or am I picking you up tomorrow morning?" He asked, raising his eyebrows at James, who pretended to think about it.

But me and Steve both knew the answer.

"I think I'll head out with you. Let me get my stuff."

Well, we thought we did, anyway.

Steve looked at James in a 'are you sure?' type of way, while I smiled through the dislike of him leaving, and helped him pack his stuff-- which was just leftovers from dinner.

He was at the door, and I handed him the left overs. "Have fun." I said, and he nodded, before he scratched the back of his head, a smug and mischievous look spreading across his face as he handed the left overs to Steve.

"Yeah, uh, just-- you forgot to pack something."

I turned confused, turning around to go look for it.

"What could I have forgotten?" I asked, but before I turned around...

"JAMES! PUT ME DOWN!" I screeched, feeling myself get lifted off the ground as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You forgot to pack yourself. You're coming with us." He said mater-of-factly, leaving no room for me to argue.

"But I have work in the-"

He stuffed a piece of left over chicken in my mouth, and carried me downstairs. Moira, the receptionist, laughed as we walked into the parking lot.

James put me in the backseat, and climbed in next to me, while Steve got in the drivers seat without a word.

"So, this is what took so long when you answered the door? Planning my kidnapping?" I asked, and Steve chuckled. "It was his idea."

"Oh, I'm sure it was." I agreed, chuckling as James tucked me into his side, not letting me go as he kissed my head.

"You are in big trouble, you know that?" I spoke gently, giving James a very warm, kind smile.

He paled slightly, looking at me in dread. "Uh, ok, what exactly am I in for?"

"Don't worry, sweetie," I changed the subject, "how long were you planning to keep me? Surely you have a set day to release me from this 'kidnapping'."

  Steve and Bucky looked at each other, and my jaw hit the floor.

"You didn't plan that far ahead?!? Does Fury even know I'm not there?!?" I shrieked. Fury is gonna kill me! "We are telling him right now!" James said with a 'please don't kill me' smile.

I crossed my arms, but after he pouted, and gave me that damn puppy face, I gave in and kissed him.

"Fine. But you better fix this. I have to be at work in the morning." I said, and he nodded, giving me a kiss.

"Save it for private time, will ya?" Steve asked, fake gagging. 

"Is Tony around? No? Then this is private time. If you don't wanna see it, then look at the road." James protested, grabbing my face to kiss me again.

I laughed into it, pulling away to catch my breath. "James, save it for later."

He whimpered, laying his head on my shoulder. "But you're right here! Why do I have to wait?"

"Because I refuse to make Steve uncomfortable in his own car!"

"FINE!" He slouched back in his seat, grumbling as Steve turned on the radio.

I laughed as James kicked Steve's seat, whining about how he 'needed to loosen up every once in a while'.

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