3 Little Words

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Dayvon Bennett

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Dayvon Bennett. Where do I even begin? I hated him but I loved him, he drove me round the fucking bend but I'd do absolutely anything for him. For so many years we kept on going back and forth with each other, neither of us could ever fully commit to each other but neither of us could ever let the other go and believe me, I tried. I tried everything. I tried moving away, seeing other guys...I even just tried to embrace the single life but nothing I did could shake the thought of Dayvon Bennett.

His touch, his lips, his voice...his love...everything about him was just perfect. But he was a criminal...I hated what he did and I hated what I'd do to keep him from going back to jail. It was like I was his wife but without the title and that just made me feel like every other woman he'd been with. But I couldn't do it anymore; I couldn't stay here, not this time. Not like this. I'd barely even seen Von in the last few weeks, and when I had seen him all we did was argue. I was just drained from it all. I knew I needed to get as far away from
Chicago and Von as physically possible. I couldn't deal with all the 'what ifs' that ran through my head every single time I saw him. I just needed a clean break.

I was packing my bag when I heard the door slam shut. A string of curse words fell from my lips, knowing that the only person who could get into my house, was the one person I didn't want to see. His figure sent a shadow into the dimly lit room, I couldn't look up at him, I knew that if I did, I wouldn't stick to what I'd planned. If I looked into those beautiful brown eyes, I'd stay.

"Goin' somewhere?" He asked, his voice low as I heard his footsteps get closer to me, I just kept my eyes focused on packing the last few items that were on the table next to me.
"Don't start Von," I replied abruptly, feeling my hands begin to shake slightly as I tried to keep myself from falling apart.

"Did you really think you could just leave? Without saying a single fuckin' word?" He asked, the rage building in his voice. I wanted to answer him. I wanted to shout at him and tell him how goddamn hard this was for me. I didn't want to leave, but I couldn't keep doing this, I couldn't keep giving my love to someone who didn't feel the same. It was going to drive me insane and I would be miserable, craving for a love that could never be.

"Don't you dare-"I said, though my voice was my quiet it was clearly loud enough for Von to hear it.

"Oh I fuckin' dare, shorty!" He snapped back. I just sighed, zipping my bag up and making my way to the door. I'd barely even opened the door before I saw Vons ' hand slam the door shut in front of me. I kept my eyes fixed on the door infront of me, my hand gripped firmly around the handle as I attempted to open it but to no avail.

"Von-" I sighed in frustration, my knuckles turning white as I tried to open the door.
"You can't leave again," His voice was softer this time, but I could tell the rage was still simmering away in him.

Who did he think he was? I thought to myself, feeling my own anger rising. He had no right to tell me what to do and after everything that had happened lately, it was probably for the best that I was leaving.

"I can do what I want, Von, now move out of my fucking way," I said lowly, the anger that I was feeling lacing my voice. I closed my eyes briefly, attempting to calm myself down, when I opened my eyes I saw Vons' was no longer on the door. I was surprised and part of me was relieved that it was all over now, I could leave and we could both move on with our lives. But as I opened the door, I felt my heart begin to break slightly. This was the man I'd spent years loving and protecting and now, here I was, leaving.

"I love you" He muttered, just as I stepped out of the door. His words made me freeze in an instant. At first I wasn't sure if it was my mind playing tricks on me, tricking me into thinking that he'd said the words I'd longed for him to say. Then I felt his hand on my shoulder, turning me to face him, his hand moving to my chin, tilting my face up to meet his gorgeous eyes which were now brimming with tears. It wasn't often I saw Von cry and seeing him like this broke my heart.

"I love you.." He repeated again, and when I looked into his eyes, all I saw was truth. I tried to say something but it was like every thought I ever had just vanished from my head.

He loved me...and as much as part of me hated that, it changed everything.

"I wish I could stop loving you, I've tried to but I just can't...," I heard his voice break slightly as the words fell from his lips, the whites of his eyes growing more and more bloodshot as he tried desperately to hold back the tears. I wanted to reach out to him, to comfort him...but my body was still frozen in shock.

"I can't lose you..not again, ma', please tell me what I can do to fix this, tell me what I can do to make you stay," I saw a single tear fall from his left eye and roll down his cheek as he pleaded with me to stay. Tentatively I raised my hand to his face, caressing his cheek as my thumb wiped the stray tear away.

"You've already done it," I soothed. A small sigh of relief left his lips before I felt his hand cover mine, squeezing it tightly for a few seconds as he placed a delicate kiss on the palm of my hand.

"I love you, Dayvon Bennett," I cooed, standing on the tips of toes, my lips ghosting over his.
"I always have and I always will,"I breathed before placing a reassuring kiss on his lips, which he quickly reciprocated too. I felt like I was on cloud nine as our lips moved in sync against one another's. As bizarre as it sounds, this kiss felt different to any of the others we'd shared. Maybe it wasn't the kiss that was different, maybe it was us. Knowing how we both felt about each other just changed everything.

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