Henny & Head

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"Knock, knock

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"Knock, knock." Von's muffled voice came from the other side of your door. Still wrapped up in your blanket, your eyes burning from all the crying, you shuffled to the door, swinging it open. Von held up a plastic bag, a large smile on his face, "Chinese Food!" You pouted, your lower lip puckering, "So I can eat my feelings?" Von chuckled nervously, raising his other hand, a bottle of henny, "Alcohol!" You smirked, "That's more like it."

             Von squeezed by you and the door, entering your kitchen. "Jesus, Jade. I mean I know you just got out of a relationship but you shouldn't let your kitchen get like this." Scowling at him, you yanked the henny bottle from his hand and sat down on the floor, not bothering to sit at the table. Von smiled down at you before joining you on the floor, handing you a fork , "Have you been wrapped up like a burrito all day?"
"Nrgh." You grunted, pulling the blanket tighter around you. Von shook his head but chuckled, "You can't let this get you down, folks." Ignoring him, you cracked open the bottle of henny and began to chug from it. Von watched you in amusement, his fork holding still in the tray of Chinese food. When you cleared it, you snapped your fingers, gesturing for him to feed you.

           Sighing heavily, Von did as you wanted, extending his arm so he could feed you some noodles, "Geesh, you're pitiful." You glared at him, pretending to try and bite off his fingers. Von pulled his hand away quickly, stifling a laugh, "On the bright side you're decent looking. You'll find another cheating boyfriend in no time."
"Yoo!" You exclaimed, "You're supposed to comfort me, not make me feel worse with ha big forehead having ass" Von stared at you innocently, "Did I not just say 'on the bright side'? or are your ears too small that I gotta speak up?" You faked punching him, "And I'm better than 'decent looking'." You said, giving him the side-eye. Von leaned back, resting against your cabinets, "If you say so."

         This is why you invited Von over instead of any of your other friends. He didn't baby you or tell you everything was going to be okay because he knew you best. He knew that you needed some tough love to get out of your periodic slumps. When you had found out your most recent boyfriend had been cheating on you, Von was the first to know. And he was the first to say 'I told you so'. You didn't exactly have the best luck when it came to guys. Except Von, with him you got lucky.
"You're not that great looking either." You mumbled around a second chug of henny. Von wriggled his brows while fixing his cap, "That's not what you said on your birthday two years ago." Groaning inwardly, you threw the bottle cap at him, "Would you drop that already? I was drunk and thought you were someone else."
"Sure you did." He responded sarcastically, chewing his food happily.

       For the next couple hours, the two of you remained on your kitchen floor, drinking and cracking jokes, even insulting each other every now and then. The next time you checked the time it was three in the morning. Your lids felt heavy from the alcohol and you couldn't help but chuckle softly when you saw how late it was, "You staying the night?" Von who was slumped over, strained his neck to see the time, his eyes squinting, "Looks like it."

         Sighing heavily, you shoved him in the thigh with your foot, shaking him so he wouldn't fall asleep, "Yah, don't even think about leaving me with this mess." There were empty henny bottles rolling on the floor and dirty forks sticking out from empty noodle trays. Von whined, "I'm sleepy."
"And I'm hurting." You countered, "So help me clean up." Von opened his eyes enough to glare at you, "Ya know, that wouldn't normally work on me." You smirked and nodded, "I know but I'll throw you out if you don't." He huffed, pushing himself off the floor, "Wouldn't be the first time." You smiled knowingly at him, remembering the one time you kicked him out months ago for trashing your living room after a night of drinking.

       Von offered you his hand. Taking it, he hauled you forward, but you had momentarily forgotten that you were wrapped in a blanket. Tangled, your legs came out from under you and you fell into Von's chest. His arms caught you, thank god, and you struggled to release your limbs from the security of the blanket. You didn't realize until you were free from the fabric how close your face was to Von's.

       You leaned away slightly, looking at him then gave him a cheesy grin, "You look better up close." Von smirked but it was short-lived. The tension between you two suddenly changed then. You were no longer giggling and poking fun at one another but now you two were staring at each other. And you made the mistake of looking at his lips. Next thing you knew, the lips you had just been looking at were now on yours.

          The alcohol made you feel dizzy, or maybe it was the kiss, you weren't sure anymore. Von pressed himself closer, deepening the kiss. After a second, you felt the edge of the counter hit your butt, shooting you into action. Only now did you begin to return the kiss. Von's tongue brushed against your lower lip and you opened enough for him to invade your mouth.

          Everything was moving so fast but slow at the same time. Von's hands were everywhere and you felt your fingers tangle themselves into his hair at the nape of his neck tugging at his dreads. He groaned into the kiss and gripped your thighs, lifting you up so you were now sitting on your counter, making it easier for him to be closer to you. Pulling away, you gasped for air, and possibly for sanity, but the latter never came.

          As Von ventured down your throat with his wet kisses and hot tongue, you found yourself only pulling him closer to you. His arms wrapped around your waist, pressing you to him. You felt something hard brush against your thigh and your eyes widened. The two of you had just been drinking on the floor with no sexual tension in the room and now here you were, grinding against his dick in the most euphoric and delicious way.

           Von detached himself from your throat long enough to rip his shirt off. You took this chance to think but the sight of his defined and tattooed body made you lose track of your mind. It wasn't definitely not the first time you had seen Von shirtless but it was the first time you wanted to run your fingers down his toned muscles and trace over his tattoos. His hands found the hem of your shirt and lifted it up, tossing it to the side.

         Your skin erupted in goosebumps from the exposure to cool air but Von was quick to hold you again. He grasped your shin, catching your mouth with his. The kiss was heavy and made you feel more drunk. You felt the drawstrings on your sweats being untied and then they were gone from you, having being yanked down by Von in this horny frenzy. Then the sound of a belt unbuckling rung loud and clear in your ears.
"Wait." You gasped, pulling away. Von waited but you could see in his eyes that he was trying really hard to hold still, to not keep going. Your eyes met his and you felt your mouth open but nothing came out. Von was watching you through dazed, lustful eyes, subconsciously licking his lips.
"This is the alcohol." You reasoned. Von half-smiled at you, shaking his head. He leaned into you again, his mouth barely brushing against yours, "Believe me, Jade. It's not." Von was on you again, not giving you another chance to speak. You felt him against your thigh again but there was no fabric now. If you were going to stop this, you need to do it now before it was too late.

        But you couldn't. Von pulled on your hips and then he expertly rolled into you. A stifled moan escaped your mouth. Von was breathing hotly against your collarbone as he thrusted into you. All your senses came alive and you couldn't believe the sensations crashing into you. The fluorescent light in your kitchen was so bright that you could hear the buzzing of the electricity. Your skin was on fire but felt like it was being lathered in cool water at the same time.

          This was the most surreal feeling you had ever experienced and you were convinced now: it wasn't the alcohol. Von pulling your face to his, latching his mouth onto yours once again. He tasted like spices and henny and you never wanted to taste anything else. Your hands wrapped around his shoulders, getting him as close to you as you possibly could. But then a scorching heat ripped through your entire body.

            Gripping onto Von's shoulders, you stifled the moans and cries that wanted to erupt from you. Von gave out the throatiest, manliest grunt you had ever heard as he jerked his hips against yours. You rested your head on his shoulder, staring blankly at the wall opposite of you, stars dancing in your vision. The two of you were breathing heavily against one another, using each other as a sort of support to lean against.
"Jade." Von's voice was raspy when he spoke your name.
"Mm." You replied, unable to form words just yet.
"I lied. You're better than decent looking." His confession had you slowly laughing. His shoulder was shaking under the weight of your head, laughing was well.

           You felt his grip your waist, pulling you back so you were now looking at him full on. Von cupped your cheek, looking at you with a newfound expression, "You look better this close up, too." You smiled at him, shaking your head, "Shut up." Von leaned in again, kissing you fully on the lips. The kiss didn't last long this time, the both of you drained of any energy.
"Von." It was your time to say his name and it never sounded so good coming from you. He raised his brows, his hands on either side of you, gripping the edge of the counter, "Mm."
"Are you my next cheating boyfriend?" Von gave you a smug smile upon hearing your question.

     "Nah." He nestled his face into the crook of your neck, "I'm your first and last loyal boyfriend."

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