viii. mystery in the suburbs

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chapter eight!
mystery in the suburbs

THIS WAS a stupid idea.

They shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be doing this. And yet here Peter was, in the passenger seat of May's car, outside Liz's home in the suburbs with his suit tight on his skin under his shirt, jeans and flannel. The wheels of his aunt's car came to a stop in the street, right outside the driveway. Liz's home was ... crazy. Of course, anyone who was able to live in the suburbs━at least, here, held enough money to live quite comfortably. They were by far unlike Peter who had a comfortable and really small apartment in Queens's centre. The house was large; two stories with modern, rough brick foundations and contemporary block-style rooms to which the party could be seen through floor-to-ceiling extravagant windows.

Peter stared, a million possible disaster outcomes running through his head. He heard May and Ned talking, but it was distant like he was listening through a plastic up attached to another with string. His suit itched, as if reminding him, I'm not meant for this. Spider-Man wasn't a party trick, and yet, part of Peter obviously wanted this plan to work, otherwise he wouldn't be wearing it.

But he felt guilty and nervous, and the sudden feeling to run all the way back home. He could probably do it, he had the stamina these days. He wanted to be that spider that scuttled towards the dark corner, under the drains, into the tiniest crevices to get away, but he didn't move.

Cars were parked all up the street. Groups of friends━some in casual get ups of jeans and jumpers, others in tight crops and dresses or collared shirts. He didn't belong here. This wasn't his sort of scene, and he was fine with that ... but at the same time he wasn't. He wanted it to be his scene. He wanted to show Flash up so desperately it hurt. And he most definitely didn't want to disappoint Liz.

"House party in the suburbs," teased May, grinning on youthful olive skin. She then sighed, shoulders slumping as nostalgia hit, "Oh, I remember these. Kind of jealous." Peter knew she was trying to grab his attention, but he was fixed.

Ned poked his head through the seats from the back, very happy with his fedora and bright red shirt. "It'll be a night to be remember."

May smiled at him, chuckling. "Ned," she said, still beaming, "some hats wear men. You wear that hat."

Ned gushed at the compliment, shrugging. "Yeah, it gives me confidence!" he said cheerfully.

"This is a mistake," Peter said finally, forcing himself to look away from Liz's flashy home. "Hey, let's just go home..."

May tilted her head at him, her smile falling to a look of understanding but at the same time Peter had a feeling she didn't. "Oh, Peter," she squeezed his arm. "I know. I know it's really hard, trying to fit in with all the changes your body's going through." Peter made a face━yeah, not what he meant. May gave him a knowing nod, "It's flowering now."

Peter looked away, letting go a sarcastic chuckle at his aunt's antics. At this, May spun around to Ned, "He's so stressed out lately!" she whispered. He threw his head back, not liking this conversation at all.

Ned agreed, "Yeah. You know what helps with stress?" He shoved his head in right next to Peter's. He arched a brow at his friend. "A party. We should go to the party."

Peter just wanted to get out of the car. "Yeah, yeah, let's do it," he said quickly, opening the door and pushing it wide open. "I'm gonna go."

𝐝𝐞𝐣𝐚 𝐯𝐮,      peter parkerWhere stories live. Discover now