lxvii. the tragedy of spider-man

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chapter sixty-seven
the tragedy of spider-man

    "WHAT ELSE can I call it? What more need be said? The damage, the destruction. You saw it with your own eyes. When will people wake up and realise that everywhere Spider-Man goes, chaos and calamity ensue? Everything Spider-Man touches comes to ruin. And we, the innocents, are left to pick up the pieces. J. Jonah Jameson reporting. Good night, and God help us all."

    Nina felt numb. She didn't know whether she'd felt a feeling quite like this before▬to know something terrible had happened without truly knowing what. To watch someone's world fall apart from the outside and not able to get to them. To feel their pain crushing her and yet be so far apart. To want to be near them so desperately, and yet have no idea where they were▬if they were even okay.

    It was quiet in Ned's home. They all sat around each other at his Lola's dining table, rigid and not saying a word to each other. The news reports from their phones, but also from the television clouded their heads▬a ringing, buzzing noise in their ears as they sat there, their chests filled with poisonous breaths of dread and it slowly tainted their hearts until they were numb with shock and horror.

    Ned's home was cozy and sweet. It had dim lights and carpet on the floor. Pictures in frames donned the walls, the cabinets and on the hallway tables. Photos of him smiling, of his parents and other family. It was the home of any grandmother, and it was filled with bits and pieces that she had kept with her all these years▬from the Philippines to America. Ned's grandmother, his Lola was one of the, if not the sweetest person Nina knew. She always made Nina feel at home whenever she visited, and this was no exception. Except today, as the horrible news reached their ears, Nina could barely muster a thank you when Lola took her dinner away from her, feeling like she was wandering on a suffocating cloud.

    Lola gave her grandson a gentle kiss on the forehead as she took his food, too, gently brushing some of his hair off his face, silent and sombre.

    Nina glanced over her shoulder back at the news playing on the small television, feeling her throat close in as the Breaking News described Spider-Man fleeing the scene of destruction. Happy's condo is now nothing more than a burning cloud of debris, fire and smoke▬and they called it Peter's fault; labelled him a criminal and something worse than a menace. They labelled him a killer.

    It didn't matter to them that the person who lost her life was Peter's aunt. Aunt May. Nina felt herself choke up with tears. She's known May for what she could say her entire life. Only five years did she spent without ever knowing Aunt May▬without having her take her under her wing and always welcome her in her home no matter what. Aunt May who let her stay over, gave her clothes to borrow and was the first person to teach her how to do her makeup. Aunt May was an aunt to everyone who she crossed paths with▬she cared for them with all of her heart; whether it be her nephew's friends or the homeless person down the street who just needed someone to believe in them again ... Aunt May was always there with open arms.

    The world felt darker▬it felt bleak without her in it. It felt like the final candle had been snuffed out and they were left to fend for themselves in the bitter cold without no warmth, and not even a light to guide their way.

    And if that was how Nina felt, then she couldn't imagine what Peter was going through right now.

    He had lost his parents. He had lost his Uncle Ben. He had lost Tony Stark and now ... now he's lost Aunt May.

    The universe had never been kind to Peter Parker▬this world always had it out for him, and Nina wished she could fight whoever decided the most caring, brave and warm-hearted boy had to face such tragedy. He who did everything for everyone else; saved their lives even if he was beaten down and broken ... and this was how the world repaid him?

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